Page 9 - Impression July 2020
P. 9
New Signage at Crosswalks
In an effort to improve pedestrian safety, new signs have been posted at the
crosswalks on Bayview Boulevard and Mason Lord Drive (in front of the
BMO). Before crossing the street, pedestrians can push a button to turn on
flashing yellow lights, which will alert drivers to slow down and stop.
As a reminder, both drivers and pedestrians should be cautious as they
travel around campus.
Driver Safety
• Obey the speed limit. Most of the roads on campus are Baltimore City
streets, which means that law enforcement officials can fine you for
exceeding the speed limit (25 mph on Bayview Boulevard; 10-15 mph on
other roads).
• STOP at stop signs.
• Give pedestrians the right of way. Maryland law states that the driver
of a vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Drivers who violate
this law can receive an $80 fine and one point on their license.
Pedestrian Safety
• Make yourself visible to drivers. Stand clear of buses, hedges, parked cars or other obstacles
before crossing so drivers can see you.
• Avoid dangerous behaviors. Always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing
traffic. Don't assume vehicles will stop; make eye contact with drivers—don’t just look at the vehicle.
• Look before you step. Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections, if possible. Watch for
turning vehicles; make sure the driver sees you and will stop for you.
2020 Mandatory Training Due July 31
In May, all Johns Hopkins Health System employees were
assigned “JHHS Annual Required Training 2020” in
Additionally, Johns Hopkins Bayview employees were
assigned “BMC-Annual Safety and Infection Control
Education 2020.”
Both of these training bundles must be completed by
Friday, July 31.
To view your assignments, sign into myLearning and click
on “My Plan.”