Page 22 - IMPRESSION V1 I4
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                                                                               (Courtesy of the Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Serbia; document no. MNT, VI/II, 122.)
     More than Magnets

        With Tesla being the international unit of              on the skin to the ozone and the nitrous acid

        measurement for magnetic flux, many are                 generated by the rays, rather than to the ionizing
        aware of Nikola Tesla’s research in the field of        effects of the radiation. He described acute skin
        electromagnetism. Unfortunately, many have              changes like redness, pain, and swelling, as well as
        no knowledge of his pioneering work in the              late consequences such as hair loss and new nail
        invention and application of x-rays.                    growth.
        Several years before Wilhelm Röntgen                    Tesla understood the three main elements of
        announced his discovery of what he called “X-           radiation protection: distance, time, and
        radiation”, Tesla had originally noticed what           shielding. He discovered that adequate distance
        he described as "a very special radiation"              from the x-ray source was a useful safety factor.
        when working his "carbon-button" lamp. He               Instead of explaining the sudden diminution of
        produced pictures he called "shadowgraphs"              the harmful effects of radiation on the basis of the
        and performing numerous experiments.                    inverse square law, however, he attributed it to
        That was until March 13, 1895, when Tesla’s             lower ozone concentrations. Tesla advised people
        laboratory in New York burnt down                       working close to the tube (eg, surgeons) to shorten
        destroying most his work. Upon learning of              the exposure time to a maximum of 2–3 minutes.
        Röntgen's discovery, Tesla wrote him and sent           Tesla published a series of articles on the topic of
        some of the pictures recovered from the fire.           x-rays and their biologic hazards in Electrical
        Röntgen replied and asked Tesla how he                  Review, New York. Few secrets were unveiled
        produced them.                                          when he gave a lecture before the New York
                                                                Academy of Sciences in 1897, in which he
          Roentgen congratulated Tesla on his
        sophisticated X-ray pictures, and Tesla even            confirmed publicly that he had been conducting
        wrote Roentgen's name on one of his films.              independent research on this topic since 1894,
        He experimented with shadowgraphs similar               which had unfortunately been interrupted by the
        to those that later were to be used by Wilhelm          fire in his laboratory.
        Rontgen when he discovered X-rays in 1895.              Nikola Tesla died in 1943 in New York. Had
        Tesla's countless experiments included work             Tesla’s work not been lost together with his New
        on a carbon button lamp, on the power of                York laboratory, we likely would be taking
        electrical resonance, and on various types of           Shadowgraphs instead of x-rays. The least we can
        lightning.                                              do is appreciate Tesla’s contribution to the
        Tesla was also among the first to comment on            invention and practical application of x-rays.
        the biologic hazards of working with x-rays.
        However, he misattributed the harmful effects
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