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One thing is clear, it certainly hasn’t for the  for the world. “It will be darkness and not
        nations, as all things are coming to a climax.  light…” says Amos. It’s the end of the “Day
        The nations persist in criticising Israel in the  of Grace.” It’s the end of mercy and only
        International Criminal Court and that “haven  darkness, judgment and hell await those who
        of injustice” – the General Assembly of the  have rejected Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
        UN. Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN,  This is the essence of the Gospel! The good
        Ron Prosor was right when he said that  news is only good because the impact of the
        “the inmates have taken over the asylum.”  bad  news  is  going to  be  so  awful  for the
        Listening to a sermon recently about David  world. Paul in Romans 11:22 makes this very
        and Goliath, I reflected afterwards that if  clear. “Consider the goodness and severity
        that had happened today, the United Nations  of God. On those who fell – severity; but
        would probably have put a stop to it and Israel  towards you – goodness, if you continue in
        would have been accused of aggression and  His goodness. Otherwise, you too will be cut
        overreaction – unsympathetic to Philistine  off.”
                                              The second woe in 6:1, concerns those “who
        Nevertheless, Israel already “stands in the  are at ease in Zion.” Isaiah focuses on the
        dock” before God and despite their failings,  women who were at ease in Isaiah 32:9-11 but
        they can know that The Lord God who is their  it is a combined jolt to men and women who
        Father is the only one who has a right to  are complacent and uncaring about all these
        discipline and deliver them. It is only He who  matters of individual ungodliness, injustice,
        is “…longsuffering and abundant in mercy,  and unrighteousness. If there is no love for
        forgiving iniquity  and  transgression…”  God and no love or care for the people, God
        Exodus 14:18. The nations will no doubt soon  will spew these “lukewarm ones” out of His
        lay siege against Israel and attempt to impose  mouth Revelation 3:16.
        their judgment. Zechariah 12:4 But God has   The third Woe in verses 3-6 is reserved for
        already set a “Plumbline” in the nation and   those who “put far off the day of Doom.”
        will soon open eyes to the redemption which   Here, there is a remarkable description of
        is already available to them, through Yeshua   the pursuits of those who would claim to be
        Amos 7:7-9; Zechariah 12:10; 13:1
                                              worshipping God in their own way. Without
        Let us pray like Amos, that Israel stands in  being critical, one might see similarities
        these days but let us also ensure we pray  to the practises of many modern western
        for Israel’s salvation in the midst of trouble.   churches.
        THE THREE WOES OF AMOS 5              But it’s the final statement that sums it all
        In verse 18 Amos first appeals to Israel, “Woe  up.  Despite all  that  goes  on  amongst  the
        to you who desire the day of the Lord. For  Lords people,  “they have not grieved for
        what good is the day of the Lord to you…”  the affliction of Joseph.” Amos 6:6 In other
        In this he is saying that it’s no good relying  words, there is no care or concern for the
        on being “the chosen people of God.” With  Lords People, the nation of Israel and all that
        privilege comes responsibility and if Israel  is happening in the region. Ignorance can
        fails to be Gods representative to the world,  never be an excuse for failing to recognise
        then God will hold them to account.   one of the greatest miracles of our day. There
                                              are consequences to rejecting Gods plan of
        Today, the same is true for those Christians   redemption and siding with Gods enemies.
        who have a wrong understanding of eternal
        security. The Word here reminds us that  May the Lord help us to consider the realities
        when the Lord comes in mighty power to  of the coming of the Lord with due regard to
        gather His people to Himself – its good news  what it will mean for our neighbours as well
        for His people - but it will be a terrible day  as the Nation of Israel.
        2                                               PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019
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