Page 3 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 3


          EDITOR’S NOTE:  We may slightly alter  SERVICE FOR PARTIALLY SIGHTED   Ask us
         direct quotes, whilst seeking to preserve  for an audio tape or CD of this Prayer material.
         the meaning. Editorial inserts are in square    BIBLE QUOTATIONS   are usually taken from
         brackets. Not every view reproduced by PFI   the NKJV.
         meets with our full agreement.
                                Area 1: North & East
         6.1 BASHAN CARMEL MINISTRIES         Prayer requests:
                                              •      For the church to be always in the
        29.4.2019                             spirit of unity together and to live all the
        Andrew’s Mother                       time in victory because of the resurrection.
                                                     This is the time of Ramadan (the
        Dear Friends, Andrew’s mother Marjorie,   time when the Muslim people fast for a
        who resides in the UK has been in poor   month).  We  need  a  prayer  for  this  time
        health now for some time. She is in her early   because whenever they have this fast every
        nineties and currently has a lung infection.   year bad things start to happen and the
        This is at times causing her difficulties in   spiritual war gets harder. As a church we
        breathing. We are naturally very thankful   started to drive in their neighborhoods and
        that she knows the Lord and are also   pray for them so they will know Jesus and
        thankful that the hospital staff are pleasant.   be saved.
        Understandably we are preparing for the   •   For the summer camp which needs
        possibility of Andrew going over to see her in   a lot of effort and preparing a special budget
        the eventuality of her situation deteriorating   and also for the conference.
                                                     For the church’s conference that
        further. Obviously, we desire the Lord’s   is going to be in the summer. Especially
        involvement in every aspect of this matter   because the Church is very encouraged and
        and would appreciate your prayers towards   excited after the last conference and they
        that end. We are fully intending to go over   are asking for a two days conference outside
        as a family in July, so it would of course   of the church.
        be lovely for the whole family to see her. If   •   For the land next to the church,
        Andrew is to go over beforehand, then it is   so will be able to
        of course important that this also be done in   purchase it. (For more
        accordance with His timing.           details please send me
                                              an email)
        Every blessing,                       We love you and
                      Andrew and Jackie Lessey
                                              thank you.
         6.2 CANA BAPTIST CHURCH                 Hani & Shifa Billan

        Newsletter - May 2019                  6.3 NAZARETH ILLIT, Tzur Yeshuati
        Revelation 1:17-18
        “Then He placed his right hand on me and   20.5.2019
        said: ‘Do not be afraid. I am the First and the   Dear Prayer Partners,
        Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and   Shalom and greetings from Nazareth, the
        now look, I am alive for ever and ever’”  place Jesus called home!

        PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019                                         3
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