Page 7 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
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6.6 NAHARIYA, Or Hagalil                 closely by Holocaust Memorial Day and
                                              Israel Independence Day. Here in Nahariyya,
        May 2019                              like all over Israel, Holocaust Memorial Day
        Dear friends,                         is a solemn day as we honour and cherish
        “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be  the remaining Holocaust survivors. We
        glad,; let them say among the nations, The  remember the horrors perpetrated against
        LORD reigns” - 1 Chronicles 16:31     the Jewish people fed by the fuel of anti-
                                              Semitism and hatred. As believers in the
        Shalom! Blessings and peace to you all this  Messiah Yeshua, we remember that the Lord
        Spring Season. Since our last update from  God doesn’t forget or abandon  His people
        Nahariyya, both Jeannie and I  have been  Israel:
                                              A Song of Ascents.
        Jeannie enjoyed watching the grandchildren  “I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains:
        in Boston for part of the month of April.  From when shall my help come? My help
        Before leaving Nahariyya, she prepared the  cometh from Jehovah, Who made heaven
        Passover at home and in the Congregation.  and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2
        Upon her return, was busy making sure we
        were ready for it.                    May we hold those words close to our hearts
                                              for they are words that encourage all of us
        Ephraim’s travels took him to Georgia,  throughout all times and situations.
        North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Texas. For
        the thirtieth time in as many years, the  Our prayer requests:
        Spring trip involved sharing the message of  • Please pray as we seek the Lord about
        Passover among other believers in churches,   reaching out to the needy people in
        homes and schools, and sharing the timeless   Western Galilee.
        message of Yeshua, our Passover Lamb.  • Later this month we will be hosting several
        There was also the opportunity to meet   ministry teams. Please pray they can make
        lots  of  new  people  and  make  new friends   an impact for the Gospel.
        -   many of whom were interested in knowing  • Please let us know your prayer requests as
        more about our ministry here in Nahariyya.  we would like to pray for you.

        We want to give a special note of appreciation  Thank you for your support and concern for
        to those in our Chosen People Ministries who  our ministry here in Nahariyya and in our Or
        helped organize the speaking tour, and to all  Hagalil Congregation (Light of Galilee)
        of you who hosted, fed and took the time to
        get to know us.                       Because He lives,
                                                        Ephraim and Jeannie Goldstein
        Upon returning home to Israel, we had a
        wonderful Seder with Gabi and his family in
        Ramat Gan. A few days later, we had our Or
        Hagalil Congregation Seder with people from
        all the nations. It was a wonderful time of
        fellowship and lifting up the name of Yeshua.
        As is the case every year, Passover is followed
        PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019                                         7
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