Page 6 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
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immersion service for four new believers. including one in which he was injured. After
A couple who came to faith just this past his military service, Gal started the same
year decided to be immersed together; they program at the university in Haifa, where
and their young son have been faithful in he met Teresia. She invited him to Kerem-
attending services, prayer meetings and El where God brought him back to faith in
home group since they made a decision for Yeshua.
Yeshua! Gal, who was also baptized has been
in our congregation since last spring. He and Teresia is studying education and plans to
his new bride Teresia are active in our young become an English teacher, whilst Gal is
adult group ministries. The joy in the face pursuing medical studies. They married
of those who take this step of obedience in in April and live and study in Haifa. Both
publicly declaring their faith is something we Gal and Teresia are active in young adult
love to celebrate. activities, prayer and worship ministries.
Pray with us for these young believers as
they continue to grow in their faith walk, Prayer Requests
particularly as they work out what it means 1. Pray that God will bless and strengthen
to live boldly for Yeshua! their marriage and direct them step by
For the last four months, Kerem-El’s pastors 2. Pray that God will guide them in their
have been teaching through the gospel of studies and their work.
Mark. As they’ve walked the congregation 3. Pray that God will continue to draw both of
through this action-packed book, we’ve taken them closer to Himself and reveal to them
a look at the good news Yeshua brought His plan for their future.
- the Kingdom life, His authority to teach
the truth, to overcome evil, and to heal the Prayer points:
sick. The parables reveal more to us of what • Again, praise God for the amount of rain
the Kingdom of God is about and Yeshua is we received this winter!
with us in the heart of the storm. God also • For the new believers who were baptized
prepares us for the storms in our lives and this spring, for the continued deepening of
does not let us be overwhelmed by them. their faith and protection as they walk with
With all that, we’ve reached chapter 5! Yeshua.
• For the strengthening and deepening of the
Gal and Teresia Harel relationships among the members of the
Teresia grew up in a believing home in congregation.
Finland. At age 15, she met some Israeli • For the annual congregational retreat
believers who’d come for a summer camp. next month - pray that God will provide
Through that meeting God grew a love in the financial needs and that it would
her heart for Israel and she began to teach be a blessed time of fellowship and
herself Hebrew. After high school, Teresia encouragement.
felt God was calling her to the Land and • For financial provision for all that is needed.
she moved to Israel for university in 2017
where she met Gal. At the age of 4, he and We are so grateful for your support and
his family immigrated from southern Russia prayers! Sending you many blessings.
to Nahariya. During his time in the military, Daniel & LuAnne Sayag, Yonatan Arnold,
Gal served in several military operations, Stefan & Keren Silver
6 PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019