Page 20 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
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will be possible for women who change
their minds after the first abortion pill, to JENYA IN TEL AVIV SAID:
receive treatment to reverse the abortion • “N” is an 18-year-old girl who lives in a
and bring forth a healthy child. In the US, boarding school in Holon and is in the 12th
Heartbeat International has created an grade. A few days ago, she discovered
Abortion Reversal Hotline. that she is pregnant. She doesn’t have a
• As we continue to move ahead with the boyfriend and she is afraid of informing
preparation of the national survey on the guy who is the father of the baby. She
abortion, pray for wisdom as we prepare wants to abort as soon as possible but
the questions. Pray also for a company she has agreed to meet me to talk today
who can promote the results in major (Monday) before she goes to the Abortion
national media. Committee (the appointment is also today).
• We thank God for contacts with social She knows abortion is a terrible thing but
workers around the country and continue she wants to serve in the army and lead a
to pray for more contacts because it is “normal” life.
often the social workers who refer women • “S” from Tel Aviv 25 years old and had an
to the abortion committees in the hospitals. abortion at 10 weeks. She needs healing
as she is feeling very remorseful. She isn’t
SHARON IN JERUSALEM SAID: answering the phone either. Pray that I will
• Please continue praying for “V”, soon get hold of her and will be able to help her.
to deliver her 2nd child. She is mentally
handicapped and her mother cares for This weekend I met a woman named Anna
her. “V”’s father passed away this past at my congregation. I had met her for the
weekend after having suffered a second first time a few years ago at a seminar
stroke. “V” and her older daughter are very about Post abortion Syndrome, and now at
distraught. Pray for “V”’s mother who has another place to help women to heal. Anna
lost her husband, yet must be a bulwark seems to have a lot of experience and useful
for her family. knowledge. I’m hoping that Anna can be a
• Continue praying for “T”. She went through great help for us as we are moving forward
a surgery for her Thyroid. Everything went with post abortion courses as well. Pray that
well but she is still in pain from the surgery. God’s will be done and that He’ll show us
Pray for healing and continue praying that how we can join forces to make an impact.
God will strengthen her as there is a lot
of pressure on her to abort her 4th month • “W” in Gadera is single with a four-month-
pregnancy due to her mental disability and old son. She is on good terms with her
her thyroid problems. I’m speaking with baby’s father who finished a drug rehab
her a lot and encouraging her to be strong program and is looking for work. “W” lives
and trust God. Pray for wisdom for me to with her mother, not him. They are all
know how to deal with this believers in Yeshua.
• “E” in Rehovot, 32, is an Ethiopian Christian
AVIGAIL IN ASHKELON SAID: refugee. Her husband is in jail for coming
Pray for safety for us, our children and our into Israel illegally. Pray for direction and
houses as rockets keep coming in from Gaza. solutions for this family.
Rockets also fell on both sides of our house. • “N”, 32, is married with 2 children in
It is amazing to see how God protects us! Rishon. She is pregnant and very worried
16 PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019