Page 23 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
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way or the other, there are bigger things to and especially with the Lord’s help have
worry about. And as a result, they’re more triumphed – at least for the time being!
mature, they make better decisions,” he said.
Israeli entrepreneurs also “know what they I want to thank all those who have been
don’t know, at least when it comes to US praying for us to find extra help and potential
government and politics and regulation, so new leaders who can help carry this great
we’re able to deploy our expertise.” ministry forward. To date we are still looking
but perhaps for more than one person who
In Silicon Valley, many of the entrepreneurs has a care for the gospel, an ability to manage
and founders who went to top notch and teach and an understanding of Israel
universities feel “very special,” he said. But internally as well as some understanding of
they have “never really dealt with the real history.
world… They don’t really have any real-
world life experience.” Start-ups, he noted, That’s probably a big ask of anyone but
need not just technology but also “marketing we are grateful for contacts being explored
and economics and human nature and already with more than one potential
management.” candidate. And we are also grateful for good
relations with leaders from other ministries
Read more at TOI or get the book – “Start- across the world. Keep praying especially
up Nation.” The Story of Israel’s Economic for the older and infirm among us who have
Miracle which is a 2009 book by Dan Senor served faithfully over many years.
and Saul Singer about the economy of Israel.
There will be a third Leaders Tour of Israel
UPDATES ON OUR BANKING commencing Wednesday September 25th to
Perhaps some of you know that over the past Thursday October 3rd 2019 supported by PFI.
few months, we have had a difficult time with
our bank. It all started last Autumn when our This visit is carefully designed for a
account was being investigated for unusual maximum of 5 Church or ministry leaders
activity - We had received a welcome legacy! at a time. These men might well have had
Donors and beneficiaries were under scrutiny few if any opportunities to visit the Land and
but having resolved this with the help of gain a vital, personal understanding of God’s
our MP, we thought that would be the end. work amongst the people, congregations and
However, this year, without telling us, our ministries that are supported by PFI.
account was “accidentally” switched off by
our Relational Manager. It has taken until The cost is £500 maximum for any candidate
now to get switched back and on to Business and as in the past, this can come from
Banking but not without great efforts on Church sponsorship or personal gifts. Apply
everyone’s part. for a Booking form at the PFI address.
And so, I would like to give thanks for a
robust team of Trustees and employees who
have withstood the challenge set before us
PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019 19