Page 21 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 21
about finances. We have talked about faith • Lord, keep Israel as the apple of
in God and Yeshua His Son. Pray that her your eye.
heart will soften and she can receive faith • Lord, humble the nations so that they
and salvation. may know they are but men (Psalm
Sandy Shoshani 9:20) and let them see your Glory
(Psalm 102:15), that they may seek your
6.16 ISRAEL PRAYER CENTRE face (Psalm 83:16).
17.5.2019 Gaining God’s Vision from the Word
Whose vision for Jerusalem? The meeting in CMA was a meeting of Jewish
Sitting in a Christian Missionary Alliance and Arab pastors in the city. Those who
church in Jerusalem, (I was there for a come are clear on the restoration of Israel,
meeting), I was struck by the many, and as they see it clearly from the scriptures.
often conflicting visions people have and One brother recounted his recent visit to
have had for the city. CMA, for instance, Finland where he also spoke in some refugee
built the property in 1906 when the Land centres, preaching the gospel. He recounted
was under Turkish rule. Their vision was to his astonishment, that while visiting some
create an outreach centre that will evangelize of the already converted refugees, he found
Muslims. Did they understand they were an Israeli flag on the wall. These refugees,
living in momentous days? World War I was from Iraq, Iran and from the Kurdish parts of
around the corner, and so was the Balfour Turkey, told him, “we love Israel!”
declaration (1917). Maybe, or maybe not.
Certainly, the Catholic Church and the Greek This was my own experience as well, when
Orthodox Church who own vast stretches of I visited a church in Hamburg several years
Land in Jerusalem had their own vision for ago. After the service several Iranian brothers
the Land and the city. Muslims have their approached me with the biggest smiles and
own vision, and even among the various biggest hugs possible. They expressed the
Jewish streams, there are multiple and often same thing; “we love your people”. What a
conflicting visions for the city and the Land. joy we experienced together!
But God had His own vision, (Ezekiel 36-37)
and that is the only one that counts. We are all astounded by this, yet, isn’t it
natural for a new believer, untainted by
The vision of the nations. replacement theology, to read the Word and
If you go on and read Ezekiel 38, you believe what it says? God’s vision is in plain
realize right away what the nations’ vision sight! Would to God the Church will also just
is: to conquer the Land! It is Gog and Magog, read and see and understand.
and without getting into interpretations of
Who, What, Where and When, we can just Ofer Amitai
simply say that this chapter describes the
ultimate goal of the nations and it is in direct
opposition to God’s own plan.
Our prayer:
• Lord disappoint the nations and
establish your own purpose.
PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019 17