Page 22 - Prayer Bulletin June 2019 Web
P. 22
Area 7: + PFI NEWS over unspecified Iranian “threats.” The claim
has been met with widespread scepticism
6.17 PERSIAN GULF TENSIONS RISE outside the United States.
20.5.2019 On Sunday a rocket was fired into the
Times of Israel agency reporters Green Zone of the Iraqi capital Baghdad,
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad which houses government offices and
Zarif says, US president who has been embassies including the US mission. It was
goaded into threatening Islamic Republic by not immediately clear who was behind the
Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE, urges Trump to attack.
‘try respect’ next time. Hitting back at Trump.
Zarif says ‘genocidal taunts won’t end Iran.’
Iranians have stood tall for millennia while 6.18 ISRAELI ENTREPRENEURS LESS PRONE
aggressors all gone. Economic terrorism TO ‘TANTRUMS’ THAN AMERICANS
and genocidal taunts won’t ‘end Iran.’” Zarif
wrote on Twitter. “Never threaten an Iranian. 20.5.2019
Try respect — it works!” he said. Times of Israel
By Shoshanna Solomon
Zarif’s comments came in response to an Bradley Tusk, is often called “the fixer.” As
ominous warning by Trump, who on Sunday the CEO and founder of Tusk Ventures, a VC
suggested the Islamic Republic would be fund that invests in start-ups that operate
destroyed if it attacked US interests. “If Iran in highly regulated environments, he helps
wants to fight, that will be the official end these fledgling firms navigate the quagmire
of Iran. Never threaten the United States of rules to grow their business. In Israel,
again,” Trump tweeted. Zarif said Trump had his $36 million fund has invested in Israeli
been “goaded” into the making the threats insurance-technology firm Lemonade and
by what he calls “the B team” — US National in Nexar, a maker of a vehicle-to-vehicle
Security Adviser John Bolton, Prime Minister network that detects dangers on the road
Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia’s Crown and prevent collisions.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Abu Dhabi
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed. Iran’s In an interview last week, Tusk, said that
top diplomat added that Trump “hopes to working with Israeli entrepreneurs feels
achieve what Alexander [the Great], Genghis somewhat easier than working with those
[Khan] & other aggressors failed to do,” in Silicon Valley, because of their greater
referring to historical figures who invaded maturity.
You don’t see the “tantrums” you sometimes
Relations between Washington and Tehran see in their generally younger counterparts
plummeted a year ago when Trump pulled in Silicon Valley, he said. That is, he figured,
out of a landmark 2015 nuclear deal with because most of the founders and employees
Iran and imposed tough sanctions. Tensions of Israeli start-ups have served in the army.
have ratcheted up further this month with They are “a little older. They get it, the
Washington announcing further economic world does not revolve around their one
measures against Tehran, before deploying a little service” that their newly set up firm
carrier group and B-52 bombers to the Gulf was seeking to provide. They know that “one
18 PFI Prayer Bulletin - June 2019