Page 9 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 9
Did you know?
We have three schools
that offer 34 disciplines All of our students undergo We provide stellar
in the fields of a mandatory period opportunities for students
Engineering, Technology of industrial training , who are keen in research?
and Management? at top companies?
We aim to develop YOU…
Studying for a degree at SLTC is
about much more than gaining
in-depth knowledge of the
subject matter. We also make
it a priority to make sure that
we produce readily employable
graduates. We focus on giving
you the skills required to succeed
in the workplace for further
study. In addition to helping
you develop practical skills like
leadership and teamwork, our
philosophy is to encourage What do we offer?
independent learning and self-
reliance. Our staff are committed Apart from the professionally curated academic curriculum,
to excellence in teaching and we aim to provide all our undergraduates with:
research and will be there to • A stated number of contact hours with teaching staff
support every aspect of your • Timely feedback on your work
progression, through lectures, • mall seminar groups of up to 25 students
tutorials, one-to-one meetings • Support to get further study
and through online resources. • Internship opportunities.
What do we mean by a readily- Throughout the course of the degree, students
employable graduate? will be able to seek guidance from:
By the end of your degree • Course tutors
programme we expect our • Academic Mentors
students to be able to set • Student learning advisors
objectives, do the necessary Methods of assignments:
preparation and research and • Essay Assignments
carry a task through from • Written Exams
conception to delivery. • Group research projects
• Presentations
• Practical exams