Page 12 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 12

Career Guidance              ·  Bespoke events and    very seriously. Recognizing that
                                                workshops for specific sectors.  career progression is not always a
                 To ensure that our students a   ·  Career mentoring programmes  straight line, we extend a lifetime
                 guided correctly into their selected   ·  Career planning workshops  support line to approach us with
                 career paths, have a dedicated,   ·  Courses in employability,   any career related issues.
                 experienced and professionally-  enterprise skills and career
                 qualified careers team who work   management as part of   Innovation and enterprise
                 closely with academic colleagues   your degree scheme.  Since our students are motivated
                 to ensure that the skills necessary   ·  Targeted communications   by creating their own opportunities
                 for a student to compete effectively   to inform students about   making an impact on society
                 for the opportunities they seek   graduate scheme and   through social innovation projects
                 are very well developed.       jobs; internships and work   or starting their own business,
                                                experience; and opportunity.  SLTC is always ready to offer help.
                 We are to help our students:  Employers
                   ·  Identify and develop skills for   The range of employers we work   It is for the same purpose that
                                                                       the University Student Enterprise
                     employment or further study.  with have all recognized the value   was established. Since we know
                   ·  Gain experience through our   of the student and graduate talent   that employers are looking for
                     employment and recruitment   we offer. We organize events where   graduates who can balance the
                     service and award winning   by which we connect the employers   dynamic relationship between
                     placements programme.  and the students directly. Through all   creativity and organization.
                   ·  Meet many employers   the programmes we provide plenty
                     and organizations      of opportunities to meet, learn and
                     through our events.
                                            develop from those in business.
                 The services we offer include:
                   ·  A series of annual career   Lifetime support
                     fairs with the participation   We take the responsibility of
                     of different sectors   a student’s successful career

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