Page 13 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 13
Research at SLTC
Our faculty has been engaged International Research Symposium on the effects of natural pest
in world class research with INSYS (Industrial Systems) in control using Bacillus thuringiensis
organizations around the world. December 2017 that featured (Bt) genes which produce proteins
The Office of Research and a prominent array of renown toxic to several insects including
Innovation Services (ORIS) helps researchers along with the cutting tobacco budworm, one of the most RESEARCH
our academics and researchers edge research conducted at SLTC. destructive pests in cotton and other
to organize and manage their The guest speakers included crops. They are developing a cloud
research projects with modern three IEEE follows from US, UK, based data analytics platform with
project management tools. ORIS and Australia. An innovative a set of algorithms that can be used
employees a number of research product competition was held not only on agricultural data but also
assistants who spend majority in parallel to INSYS that featured on climate, financial, and customer
of their time working with SLTC student projects from SLTC as data, for analysing patterns
academics on cutting edge research. well as other local universities. and to predict future trends.
SLTC together with ORIS has In another project, our academics
spun off a larger collaborative are working with NASA scientists
platform called Center for to develop a prediction tool for
Research and Innovation rainfall-triggered landslides.
Services (CRIS) that Precipitation data from
feature researchers the Global Precipitation
and research Measurement (GPM)
institutions from mission, antecedent
multi disciplinary soil moisture from the
backgrounds. Soil Moisture Active
Services that Passive (SMAP) Mission,
CRIS offer include and model produced
funding, resources, very high resolution soil
commercialization moisture data for the
of research, pre-SMAP period are used
and industry in a probabilistic framework
consultancies. to assess occurrence of
rainfall-triggered landslides in
ORIS organized Sri Lanka. Determining the time,
its first
location, and severity of natural
disaster impacts is fundamental
ORIS has few active to formulating disaster mitigation
research projects that have strategies, and for appropriate and
immediate impact not only on timely responses. The same NASA
Sri Lanka but globally as well. collaborative team is also working
towards developing a drought
In one such project, our researchers monitor using near real time satellite
are working hand in hand with derived data. These projects are of
the researchers from the United prime importance to the National
States Department of Agriculture
Adaptation Plan for Climate Change 13