Page 10 - General Prospectus Web 2019 Jan 18
P. 10

Graduate Profile

                          & Collaborator
                       Graduates will demonstrate
                      leadership qualities through the
                     ability to effectively communicate,

                        collaborate, innovate, and        Innovative Problem
                           think creatively.
                                                           Solver & Achiever
                                                          Graduates will Understand
                                                         the nature of problems, create
                                                         innovative solutions, and make
                                                         informed decisions by :usi riff
                                                          critital and creative thinking,
                                                             logical reasoning.

                       Graduate Profile

                        The SLTC graduate will be able to              Career Ready
                     supervise or lead a team of technologists           Scholar
                    in an operational or research environment
                     and ensure accomplishment of strategic         Graduates will develop and
                      goals and targets. He / She will be able   manage a personal education and
                       to develop and implement policies           career plan, and demonstrate
                          and processes to maximize                application of academic and
                          economic productivity and                 technical competencies to
                            social enrichment.                        a chosen career field.

                                                            Decision Maker
                                                         Graduates will display personal

                            Adaptable                     and professional integrity by
                                                           demonstrating leadership,
                        Productive Citizen                 effective decision-making,
                     Graduates will act as a productive      and ethical personal
                                                              and professional
                        citizen by demonstrating             management skills.
                       responsibility and flexibility in
                      fulfilling personal, professional,
                           and community
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