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Notwithstanding who derives the risk rating, Credit Risk   Bank to maintain its asset quality at a desired level.
               Management is responsible for reviewing and ensuring the
               correctness of the ORR and FRR assigned to a borrower   In Access Bank, the objective of the Risk Rating Policy is to
               and facilities. This review includes ensuring the ongoing   ensure reliable and consistent Obligor Risk Ratings (‘ORRs’)
               consistency of the business’ Risk Rating Process with the   and Facility Risk Ratings (‘FRRs’) throughout the Bank and
               Bank’s Risk Rating Policy; ongoing appropriate application   to provide guidelines for risk rating for retail and non – retail
               of the risk rating process and tools; review of judgmental   exposures in the Bank.
               and qualitative inputs into the risk rating process; ensuring
               the timeliness and thoroughness of risk rating reviews; and   The Risk Rating Policy incorporates credit risk rating mod-
               ensuring that the documentation of the risk rating process   els which estimate risk of obligor default and facility risks
               is complete and current.                       (covering  both  recovery  as  well  as  exposure risk).   These
                                                              models are currently based on expert judgment for retail
               Credit Risk Management has the final authority if there is a   and non-retail exposures.   Our goal is to adopt the Internal
               question about a specific rating.              Rating Based (“IRB”) approach. The data required to facili-
                                                              tate the IRB approach is being gathered.

               CREDIT PROCESS                                 All Access Bank businesses that extend credit are subject
                                                              to the Risk Rating Policy.
               The Bank’s credit process starts with portfolio planning and
               target market identification.   Within identified target mar-  CREDIT RISK RATING MODELS IN ACCESS BANK PLC
               kets, credits are initiated by relationship managers.  The
               proposed credits are subjected to review and approvals by   The following are the credit risk rating models deployed by
               applicable credit approval authorities. Further to appropri-  the Bank.
               ate approvals, loans are disbursed to beneficiaries.
               On-going  management  of  loans  is  undertaken  by  both   For Retail Exposures:
               relationship management teams and our Credit Risk Man-
               agement Group. The process is applied at the Head Office   Obligor Risk Rating (ORR) Models have been developed for:
               and in the subsidiaries.
                                                              1.     Personal Loans
               If a preliminary analysis of a loan request by the account   2.   Credit Cards
               manager indicates that it merits further scrutiny, it is then   3.   Auto Loans
               analyzed in greater detail by the account manager, with   4.   Mortgage Loans
               further detailed review by Credit Risk Management. The
               concurrence of Credit Risk Management must be obtained   Facility Risk Rating (FRR) Models have been developed for:
               for any credit extension. If the loan application passes the
               detailed analysis it is then submitted to the appropriate ap-  1.   Loss Given Default (LGD)
               proval authority for the size and risk rating of facilities  2.   Exposure at Default (EAD)

               The standard credit evaluation process is based both on   For Non – Retail Exposures:
               quantitative figures from the Financial Statements and on
               an array of qualitative factors. Factual information on the   Obligor Risk Rating (ORR) Models have been developed for:
               borrower is collected as well as pertinent macroeconomic
               data, such as an outlook for the relevant sector. These sub-  1.   Sovereign (approach to rating sovereign
               jective factors are assessed by the analyst and all individuals      exposures using external ratings)
               involved in the credit approval process, relying not only on   2.   Bank and Non-Bank Financial Institutions
               quantitative factors but also on extensive knowledge of the   3.  Corporate
               company in question and its management.               •      Manufacturing Sector
                                                                     •      Trading Sector
                                                                     •      Services Sector
               CREDIT RISK MEASUREMENT                               •      Real Estate Sector
                                                              4.     Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) without
               Risk Rating Methodology                                Financials
               The credit rating of the counterparty plays a fundamental
               role in final credit decisions as well as in the terms offered   Facility Risk Rating (FRR) Models have been developed for
               for successful loan applications. Access Bank employs a ro-
               bust credit rating system based on international best prac-  1.   Loss Given Default (LGD)
               tices (including Basel II recommendations) in the determi-  2.   Exposure at Default (EAD)
               nation of the Obligor and Facility risks and thus allows the

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