P. 217

RISK RATING PROCESS                            The risk rating scale runs from 1 to 8. Rating 1 represents
               In Access Bank, all businesses must have a documented   the best obligors and facilities and rating 8 represents the
               and approved risk rating process for deriving risk ratings   worst obligors and facilities.   The risk rating scale incorpo-
               for all  obligors and facilities  (including those  covered un-  rates sub-grades and full grades reflective of realistic credit
               der Credit Programs). The Risk Rating Process is the end-  migration patterns.
               to-end process for deriving ORRs and FRRs and includes   The risk rating scale and the external rating equivalent is de-
               models, guidelines, support adjustments, collateral adjust-  tailed below:
               ments, process controls, as well as other defined processes
               that a business undertakes in order to arrive at ORRs and
               FRRs. Risk rating process of each business must be in com-  Access   External Rating  Grade
               pliance with the Bank’s Risk Rating Policy and deviations   Bank risk
               must be explicitly approved.                    Rating

                                                               1         AAA           Investment Grade
               Establishing the risk rating process is the joint responsibility
               of the Business Manager and the Credit Risk Manager as-  2+  AA
               sociated with each business. The process must be docu-  2  A
               mented and must be approved by the Management Credit   2-  BBB
                                                               3+        BB+           Standard Grade
               The risk rating process for each business must be reviewed   3  BB
               and approved every three years, unless more frequent re-  3-  BB-
               view is specified as a condition of the approvals.  Interim   4  B      Non-Investment Grade
               material changes to the risk rating process, as determined
               by the Credit Risk Manager for the business, must be re-ap-  5  B-
               proved.                                         6         CCC
                                                               7         C
               Risk Rating Scale and external rating equivalent  8       D
               Access Bank operates a 12-grade numeric risk rating scale.



               AUTHORITY LIMITS ON CREDIT                     income volatility, such derivatives are used in a controlled
                                                              manner with reference to their expected volatility.
               The highest credit approval authority is the Board of Direc-  Collateral is held to mitigate credit risk exposures and risk
               tors, supported by the Board Credit and Finance Commit-  mitigation policies determine the eligibility of collateral
               tee and followed by the Management Credit Committee.   types. This structure gives Access Bank the opportunity to
               Individuals are also assigned credit approval authorities in   incorporate much needed local expertise, but at the same
               line with the Bank’s criteria for such delegation set out in its   time manage risk on a global level. Local Credit Committees
               Credit Risk and Portfolio Managament Plan.  The principle of   of the Bank’s subsidiaries are thus able to grant credits, but
               central management of risk and decision authority is main-  the sum total of the exposure of the applicant and financial-
               tained by the Bank. The maximum amount of credit that   ly related counterparties is limited, most commonly by the
               may be approved at each subsidiary is limited, with amounts   subsidiary’s capital. All applications that would lead to expo-
               above such  limit being approved at the Head Office.   sures exceeding the set limit are referred to the appropriate
               Potential credit losses from any given account, customer or   approval authority in the Head Office.
               portfolio are mitigated using a range of tools such as collat-
               eral, credit insurance, credit derivatives and other guaran-  The  credit  approval  limits  of  the  principal  officers  of  the
               tees. The reliance that can be placed on these mitigants is   Group are shown in the table below
               carefully assessed in light of issues such as legal certainty
               and enforceability, market valuation correlation and coun-  In addition, approval and exposure limits based on internal
               terparty risk of the guarantor.                Obligor Risk Ratings have been approved by the Board for
               Where appropriate, credit derivatives are used to reduce   the relevant credit committees as shown in the second
               credit risks in the portfolio. Due to their potential impact on   table below

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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