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customers’ activities. The risk is managed by local treasury   undue exposure and the Market Risk Management Group
               functions, subject to modest risk limits and other controls.  ensures that these limits and triggers are adhered to by the
                                                              Bank. The following limits currently exist;
                                                              Fixed income and FX Open Position Limits (OPL): The
               Sensitivity analysis and stress testing are risk measurement   Bank, in keeping with the prudency concept, sets its policy
               techniques that help us ensure that the risks the Bank takes   limit for Open Position at a level lower than the maximum
               remain within our risk appetite and that our level of capital   OPL approved by the regulatory authority. In setting the in-
               remains  adequate. Sensitivity analysis involves varying  a   ternal OPL, the following considerations are imperative:
               single factor (e.g. a model input or specific assumption) to
               assess the impact on various risk measures.    •      The Regulatory OPL;
                                                              •      The Bank’s tolerance and appetite for FX risk;
               Stress testing generally involves consideration of the simul-  •   The size and depth of the FX market in Nigeria;
               taneous movements in a number of risk factors. It is used to   •   The degree of volatility of traded currencies; and
               measure the level of potential unexpected losses for Credit,   •   The Bank’s desired positioning in the relevant FX
               Market (both trading and non-trading), Operational and Li-     market with requirements for international
               quidity Risks.                                        business support.

               Under potential adverse conditions, stress testing plays an   Interbank  placement  and  takings  Limit: In line with the
               important role in supporting overall capital management   Bank’s  drive  to  be  a  top  liquidity  provider  in  the  financial
               and adequacy assessment processes. Our enterprise-wide   market, stringent controls have been set to ensure that
               stress testing programme utilizes stress scenarios featur-  any takings from interbank are preceded by proper autho-
               ing a range of severities based on unlikely but possible ad-  rization, to reduce the risks that come with huge interbank
               verse market and economic events. These common stress   borrowing.
               scenarios are evaluated across the organization, and results
               are integrated to develop an enterprise-wide view of the   Management Action Trigger (MAT): This establishes de-
               impacts on our financial results and capital requirements.   cision points to confirm the Board of Directors’ tolerance
               This programme uses macro-economic projections and   for accepting trading risk losses on a cumulative basis. MAT
               applies them as stress impacts on the organization viz-a-  therefore, takes into account actual cumulative profit/loss
               viz the various risk types.                    as well as potential losses and the loss tolerance is defined
                                                              as a percentage of Gross Earnings.
               TRADING PORTFOLIO
               The measurement and control techniques used to mea-  Stop Loss Limit: This limit sets a maximum tolerable un-
               sure and control traded market risk (interest rate and for-  realized profit/loss to date which will trigger the closing of
               eign exchange risk) include daily valuation of positions, limit   a position in order to avoid any further loss based on exist-
               monitoring, gap analysis, sensitivity analysis, Value at Risk,   ing exposures. Positions are liquidated uniformly when stop
               tail risk, stress testing, e.t.c.              loss limits are breached.

                                                              Dealer Limits: This limit sets a maximum transaction limit
                                                              by a dealer. It is based on experience and knowledge.
                                Mark to
                                 Market                       Value-at-Risk Limit: The normal VaR of the portfolio will be
                                                              the Naira loss that will be exceeded 1% of the time over a
                                                              one day horizon. The VaR limits are linked to the Bank’s risk
                   Sensitivity/  Measuring   VaR              appetite and Treasury’ Budget.  To quantify the risk appetite
                   scenario     Traded                        with respect to trading intentions we set the VaR LIMIT as a
                   Analysis     Market                        percentage of this value.
                                                              These risk limits are set and reviewed at least annually to
                                                              control Access Bank’s trading activities in line with the de-
                        Limits        Stress                  fined  risk  appetite  of  the  Group.  Criteria  for  setting  risk
                                      Test                    limits include relevant market analysis, market liquidity and
                                                              business strategy. Trading risk limits are set at an aggregate,
                                                              risk category and lower levels and are expressed in terms
                                                              of VaR. This is further supported by a comprehensive set of
               LIMITS                                         non-VaR limits, including foreign exchange position limits,
               Specific limits and triggers (regulatory and in-house) have   stop loss limits and Management Action Triggers. Appro-
               been set across the various market risk areas to prevent   priate performance triggers are also used as part of the risk

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