P. 225

5.1     Credit risk management

               5.1.1   Maximum exposure to credit risk before collateral held or other credit enhancements

                      Credit risk exposures relating to financial assets are as follows:
                                                           Group         Group          Bank          Bank
               In thousands of Naira               December 2017 December 2016 December 2017 December 2016

               Cash and balances with banks
                - Current balances with banks outside Nigeria   217,912,989    115,380,195    177,770,685    106,594,205
                - Unrestricted balances with central banks  28,837,649    139,954,922    7,976,547    33,160,736
                - Restricted balances with central banks   357,173,356    250,831,529    354,986,209    248,547,664
                - Money market placements              261,805,783    119,826,012    28,157,562    41,798,197
                - Other deposits with central banks     88,214,622    87,896,447    88,214,622    87,896,447
               Investment under management              20,257,131    14,871,247    20,257,131    14,871,247
               Non pledged trading assets
                      Treasury bills                    37,743,819    34,381,635    33,906,748    34,381,635
                      Bonds                              9,050,894    10,188,597     9,050,894    10,188,597
               Derivative financial instruments         93,419,293    156,042,984    92,390,219    155,772,662
               Loans and advances to banks              68,114,076    45,203,002    101,429,001    104,006,574
               Loans and advances to customers       1,995,987,627    1,809,459,172    1,771,282,738    1,594,562,345
               Pledged assets
                      Treasury bills                   258,672,815    188,239,520    252,061,738    188,239,520
                      Bonds                            188,441,589    126,707,982    188,441,589    126,707,982
               Investment securities
               Available for sale
                      Treasury bills                    29,977,451    69,346,601     9,598,737    40,960,665
                      Bonds                            54,079,368     32,891,849    28,066,294    21,699,880
               Held to Maturity
                      Treasury bills                    88,203,365    27,350,114     5,837,568            -
                      Bonds                             36,590,582    41,101,014     9,116,855    40,363,051
               Other assets                             46,799,196    41,796,068    34,517,514    33,265,072
               Total                                 3,881,231,605   3,311,468,890    3,213,062,650   2,883,016,479

               Off balance sheet exposures
               Transaction related bonds and guarantees   370,892,995    186,251,718    225,158,636    136,163,848
               Guaranteed facilities                   171,002,109    99,582,709    81,335,619    85,513,821
               Clean line facilities for letters of credit and
               other commitments                       293,267,039    261,208,243    200,918,665    158,994,793
               Future, swap and forward contracts      662,935,746    933,073,893    624,709,693    900,436,358
               Total                                 1,498,097,889    1,480,116,563    1,132,122,613    1,281,108,820

               Balances included in Other Assets above are those subject to credit risks. The table above shows a worst-case scenario of
               credit risk exposure to the Group as at 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, without taking account of any collat-
               eral held or other credit enhancements attached.

               For on-balance-sheet assets, the exposures set out above are based on net amounts reported in the statements of
               financial position for off balance sheet exposure, the future, swap and forward contracts disclosed above are the nominal
               values of the contracts

               The Directors are confident in their ability to continue to control exposure to credit risk which can result from both its
               Loans and Advances portfolio and debt securities.

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