P. 224

To monitor liquidity and funding, the Group Treasury pre-  The contingency funding plan covers: the available sourc-
               pares a liquidity worksheet that projects’ sources and uses   es of contingent funding to supplement cash flow short-
               of funds. The worksheet incorporates the impact of mod-  ages; the lead times to obtain such funding; the roles and
               erate risk and crisis situations. The worksheet is an integral   responsibilities of those involved in the contingency plans;
               component of the contingency funding plan. Although it is   and the communication and escalation requirements when
               unlikely that a funding crisis of any significant degree could   early warning indicators signal deteriorating market con-
               materialize, we consider it important to evaluate this risk   ditions. Both short term and long-term funding crises are
               and formulate contingency plans should one occur.   addressed in the contingency funding plan.

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