P. 218

APPROVING                               APPROVED LIMIT          APPROVED LIMIT
                   AUTHORITY                               (NeW CreDItS)           (reNeWaLS  OF  exISt-
                                                           (NgN)                   INg CreDItS)
                 Executive Director                        150 million             200 million
                 Group Deputy Managing Director            400 million             500 million
                 Group Managing Director/CEO               500 million             600 million

                 Managing Directors of Bank Subsidiaries   See Below:
                 COUNTRY                                   APPROVAL LIMIT (NGN)
                 Ghana                                     65 million
                 Rwanda                                    20 million

                access Bank   Standard &     Exposure Limit   Management     Board Credit &   Board of
                risk rating  Poors Long      (ORR-based     Credit Committee  Finance Commit-  Directors Limit
                            term             LLL) for New   Approval Limit   tee  Approval Limit
                            equivalent       credits (NGN)  (NGN)            (NGN)
                 1           AAA             41 billion     20 billion       40 billion
                 2+          AA              33 billion     15 billion       30 billion
                 2           A               25 billion     5 billion        15 billion
                 2-          BBB             16 billion     2 billion        10 billion     Legal
                 3+          BB+             3 billion      1 billion        10 billion     lending
                 3           BB              1.7 billion    0.8 billion      10 billion
                 3-          BB-             .8 billion     0.5 billion      2 billion
                 4           B                              Above 0.1 billion
                 5           B-

               COLLATERAL POLICIES                            securitisation, credit derivatives etc. are used to mitigate
                                                              risks in the portfolio.
               It is the Group’s policy that all credit exposures are ade-
               quately collateralised. Credit risk mitigation is an activity   However the primary consideration for approving cred-
               of reducing credit risk in an exposure or transferring it to   its is hinged largely on the obligor’s financial strength and
               counterparty, at facility level, by a safety net of tangible and   debt-servicing capacity. The guidelines relating to risk mit-
               realizable securities including approved third-party guaran-  igant as incorporated in the guidance note of Basel Com-
               tees/ insurance.                               mittee on Banking Supervision (‘BCBS’) on “Principles for
                                                              the Management of Credit Risk” (September 2000, Para-
               In Access Bank, strategies for risk reduction at the transac-  graph 34) are to be taken into consideration while using a
               tion level differ from that at the portfolio level. At transac-  credit risk mitigant to control credit risk.
               tion level, the most common technique used by the Bank is
               the collateralization of the exposures, by first priority claims   The Bank can utilize transaction structure, collateral and
               or obtaining a third party guarantee. For all credit risk miti-  guarantees to help mitigate risks (both identified and inher-
               gants that meet the policy criteria, a clear set of procedures   ent) in individual credits but transactions should be entered
               are applied to ensure that the value of the underlying collat-  into primarily on the strength of the borrower’s repayment
               eral is appropriately recorded and updated regularly.  capacity. Collateral cannot be a substitute for a compre-
                                                              hensive assessment of the borrower or the counterparty,
               Collateral types that are eligible for risk mitigation include:   nor can it compensate for insufficient information. It should
               cash; residential, commercial and industrial property;   be  recognized  that  any  credit  enforcement  actions  (e.g.
               moveable assets such as motor vehicles, aircraft, plant   foreclosure  proceedings)  can  eliminate  the  profit  margin
               and machinery; marketable securities; commodities; bank   on the transaction. In addition, Banks need to be mindful
               guarantees and letters of credit.              that the value of collateral may well be impaired by the same
                                                              factors that have led to the diminished recoverability of the
               Other techniques include buying a credit derivative to off-  credit.
               set credit risk at transaction level. At portfolio level, asset

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