P. 262

31 December 2016                            Fixed       Floating    Non-interest     Total
                 ASSETS                                     N'000         N'000        N'000         N'000
                Cash and balances with banks            41,798,197           -      476,199,052    517,997,249
                Non pledged trading assets              44,570,231           -         59,348    44,629,579
                Derivative financial instruments                -            -      155,772,662    155,772,662
                Loans and advances to banks            104,006,574           -             -      104,006,574
                Loans and advances to customers          4,374,708    1,590,187,637        -      1,594,562,345
                Pledged assets                         314,947,502           -             -      314,947,502
                 Investment securities:
                  –  Available-for-sale                 62,660,545           -      58,177,045    120,837,590
                  –  Held-to-maturity                   40,363,051           -             -      40,363,051

                 TOTAL                                 612,720,808   1,590,187,637    690,208,107   2,893,116,553

                Deposits from financial institutions    95,122,188           -             -      95,122,188
                Deposits from customers                799,495,575    1,013,547,297        -      1,813,042,872
                Derivative financial instruments                -            -      30,275,181    30,275,181
                Debt securities issued                 123,315,728    120,636,690          -      243,952,418
                Interest-bearing borrowings            327,504,654    44,675,131           -      372,179,785

                 TOTAL                               1,345,438,145   1,178,859,118    30,275,181   2,554,572,444

               Derivative financial instruments include elements of interest rate differential between the applicable underlying curren-
               cies. Further details on the fair value of derivatives have been discussed in Note3.9(J) of the financial statement.

               Interest rate risk
               Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes
               in market interest rates. Fair value interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate because
               of changes in market interest rates. The Group takes on exposure to the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of
               market interest rates on both its fair value and cash flow risks. Interest margins may increase as a result of such changes
               but may reduce losses in the event that unexpected movements arise. The Board sets limits on the level of mismatch of
               interest rate repricing (note 5.2.1) and value at risk (note 5.2.2) that may be undertaken, which is monitored daily by Group

               Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk
               The group’s interest rate risk arises from risk assets, long-term borrowings, deposits from banks and customers. Borrow-
               ings issued at variable rates expose the group to cash flow interest rate risk. Other financial liabilities issued at fixed rates
               expose the group to fair value interest rate risk.

               The management of interest rate risk against interest rate gap limits is supplemented with monitoring the sensitivity of
               the Group’s financial assets and liabilities to various scenarios.

               Interest rate movement have both cash flow and fair value effect depending on whether interest rate is fixed or floating.
               The impact resulting from adverse or favourable movement flows from either retained earnings or OCI and ultimately
               ends in equity in the following manner:

               (i) Retained earnings arising from increase or decrease in net interest income and the fair value changes reported in profit
               or loss.

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