P. 264

Impact on net interest income of +/-1oo basis points changes in rates over a
                one year year (N'000)

                                                                                    Cashflow interest rate risk
                                                                                   100 basis     100 basis
                                                                                points decline  points increase
                Time Band                                                            in rates      in rates

                Less than 3 months                                                   (67,938)       67,938
                6 months                                                           (1,612,292)    1,612,292
                12 months                                                          (1,805,538)    1,805,538

                                                                                  (3,485,768)    3,485,768

               The  table above sets out the impact on net interest income of a 100 basis points parallel fall or rise in all yields. A parallel
               increase in yields by 100 basis points would lead to an increase in net interest income while a parallel fall in yields by 100
               basis points would lead to a decline in net interest income. The interest rate sensitivities are based on simplified scenar-
               ios and assumptions, including that all positions will be retained and rolled over upon maturity. The figures represent the
               effect of movements in net interest income based on the 100 basis point shift in interest rate and subject to the current
               interest rate exposures. However, the effect has not taken into account the possible risk management measures under-
               taken by the Bank to mitigate interest rate risk. In practice, the Assets and Liability Committee, ALCO seeks proactively
               to change the interest rate risk profile to minimize losses and optimise net revenues. The projections also assume that
               interest rates on various maturities will move within similar ranges, and therefore do not reflect any potential effect on net
               interest income in the event that some interest rates may change and others remain unchanged.

               Price sensitivity analysis on bonds and treasury bills
               The table below shows the impact of likely movement in yields on the value of bonds and treasury bills. This relates to the
               positions held for trade and available for sale. Since an increase in yields would lead to decline in market values of bonds
               and treasury bills, the analysis was carried out to show the likely impact of 50 and 100 basis points increase in market
               yields. The impact of held for trading investments is on the income statement while the impact of available for sale instru-
               ments is on the statement of other comprehensive income.

                31 December  2017                                Carrying Value    Impact of 50    Impact of 100
                                                                                 basis points   basis points
                                                                                  increase in   increase in
                                                                                      yields        yields
                Impact on Statement of Comprehensive
                Held for trading Bonds                               9,050,894        (2,123)       (3,313)
                Held for trading T-bills                            37,743,819        (8,374)      (16,748)
                Pledged assets: Bonds                              188,441,589      (118,783)     (185,378)
                Pledged assets: T-bills                            258,672,815      (124,203)     (248,405)
                                                                   493,909,117      (253,483)     (453,844)

                Impact on Other Comprehensive Income
                Available for sale investments                      84,056,819     (1,359,839)   (2,260,317)

                 TOTAL                                             557,965,936    (1,613,322)    (2,714,161)

          264 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269