P. 267

Others   100,706,205    -      3,837,071    -      -      153,358    -      206,530    73,810    1,155,733    39,460,069    42,828,508    2,524,752    33,875,350    8,384,016   6,611,078        -

                                        9,623,913                                         3,972,146
                                    Euro   -      -      -      -      4,656    -       -        -        -        -        -        -        -       -      -

                                    GBP    -      -      -      -      871,060    -       -       260     -        -        -        -        -       52,976    -      -

                                        163,776,193           66,796,779    2,717,400    16,334,492    929,085    383,765,648    326,038,284
                                    US     -      -      38,342    -      -       -        -       35,745    -      -

                  The table below summarises the Group’s financial instruments at carrying amount, categorised by currency:

                                        536,637,684    20,257,131    33,906,748    9,012,553    92,390,219    1,317,297    3,243,530    3,486,368    4,127,122    125,726,416    13,684,111    821,599,652    161,146,171   252,061,737   188,441,589
                                    Naira               59,348         619,453

                                        953,944,176    20,257,131    37,743,819    9,050,894    93,419,293    68,114,076    3,450,060    3,410,923    4,642,101    43,622,936    184,889,416    17,137,948    1,239,240,650    499,593,593   258,672,815   188,441,589
                                    Total               59,348

                        Financial instruments by currency  In thousands of Naira  31  December 2017  Cash and balances with banks Investment under management  Non-pledged trading assets  Treasury bills  Derivative financial instruments  Loans and advances to banks  Loans and advances to customers  Finance Lease  Mortgage Loan  Personal Loan  Pledged assets  Treasury bills  Investment securities

                  5.2.3    Group                       Bonds  Equity  Auto Loan  Credit Card  Overdraft  Term Loan  Time Loan  Bonds

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  267
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272