P. 266

Foreign currency sensitivity analysis
               The Group’s principal foreign currency exposure is to US Dollars, as it constitutes a significant portion of the Group’s foreign
               currency exposure  as at 31 December 2017. The table below illustrates the hypothetical sensitivity of the Group and Bank’s
               reported profit to a 10% increase in the US Dollar/Naira exchange rates at the year end, assuming all other variables remain
               unchanged. The sensitivity  rate of 10% increase represents the directors’ assessment of a reasonable possible change
               based on  historic volatility.


                                                                        Impact on statement
                                                                        of  comprehensive
               In thousands of naira                                    31 December 2017
               Naira weakens by 10%                                     (15,736,259)

                                                                        Impact on statement
                                                                         of comprehensive
               In thousands of naira                                    31 December 2016
               Naira weakens by 15%*                                     (12,178,312)
               Naira weakens by 30%*                                     (24,356,625)

               Bank                                                     Impact on statement
                                                                        of  comprehensive
               In thousands of naira                                    31 December 2017
               Naira weakens by 10%                                     (13,400,561)

                                                                        Impact on statement
                                                                        of  comprehensive
                                                                        income 31 December  2016
               Naira weakens by 15%*                                     (13,038,569)
               Naira weakens by 30%*                                    (26,077,138)

               The NGN/USD exchange rate applied in the conversion of  balances as at year end is N331/USD1 (2016: N305/USD1). The
               strengthening  or weakening of Naira may not produce symmetrical results depending on the proportion and nature of
               balance sheet and the impact of derivatives.

               *Due to changes in the volatility in exchange rate, the director have not restated prior year sensivity disclosure.

          266 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271