Page 136 - E-book Copa 2014 Inglês.indb
P. 136


                            AM A Z ONI AN FL A V OUR

                            A Região Norte do Brasil entrou no mapa da Copa do Mundo   Brazil’s North region secured its place on the 2014 World Cup
                            de 2014 com a escolha de Manaus para sediar quatro jogos.   map when Manaus was chosen as the stage of four of the
                            O apelo ambiental contribuiu para atrair os 119.925 turistas   matches. The environmental appeal contributed to attract the
                            que passaram pela cidade, porta de entrada para visitas   119,925 tourists who passed through the city, a gateway to
                            à Floresta Amazônica. Em média, os visitantes brasileiros   visits to the Amazon Rainforest. On average, Brazilian visitors
                            fi caram na capital por 6,5 dias, e os estrangeiros, 5,4 dias.   stayed in the capital for 6.5 days and foreign tourists 5.4
                            Eles movimentaram R$ 325,8 milhões na economia do estado.   days. This translated into a R$ 325.8 million boost to the state
                            Os países que mais enviaram turistas foram Estados Unidos   economy. The countries that sent the most tourists to the
                            (43,89% do total), Inglaterra (15,36%) e Austrália (6,9%).  state were the United States (43.89% from the total), England
                                                                               (15.36%) and Australia (6.9%).
                            A preparação de Manaus incluiu um novo estádio, a moderniza-
                            ção do Parque Ponta Negra, que abrigou a Fan Fest, a reforma   Manaus’ World Cup related preparation work included a new
                            e ampliação do Aeroporto Eduardo Gomes, a requalifi cação   stadium and the modernisation of the Ponta Negra Park,
                            de vias e terminais de ônibus, a inauguração dos centros   where the Fan Fest was set up. In addition, renovation and
                            de operações em segurança e em saúde, além do reforço   extension works were done to the Eduardo Gomes Airport,
                            na infraestrutura de turismo, telecomunicações e energia.  and bus lanes and terminals were improved. Furthermore,
                                                                               security and health operation centres were opened, and the
                            Programas sociais foram responsáveis por qualifi car 32,6   tourist, telecommunications and energy infrastructure
                            mil profi ssionais em cursos de idiomas, hotelaria, eventos,    was enhanced.
                            informática, comércio, artesanato e construção civil. Somente
                            pelo Pronatec, mais de 22,2 mil alunos se formaram e outros   Social programmes were responsible for training 32.6 thou-
                            9,9 mil profi ssionais receberam bolsas para capacitação em   sand professionals through courses in language, hospital-
                            línguas.                                           ity, events, information technology, retail, crafts and civil
                                                                               construction. Through Pronatec alone, over 22.2 thousand
                            A infraestrutura turística contou com 219 totens nas paradas   students were trained, and another 9.9 thousand profession-
                            de ônibus e cinco novos Centros de Atendimento ao Turista   als were awarded scholarships for language courses.
                            (CAT). Durante o período do Mundial, houve 1.163 espetá-
                            culos culturais na cidade, com mais de 250 artistas. Como   Tourist infrastructure relied on 219 totems with screen
                            resultado dos investimentos, 89% dos brasileiros e 79% dos   displays at bus stops, apps and websites with guides, in
                            estrangeiros que estiveram no Amazonas, durante a Copa,   addition to 5 new Tourist Information Offi  ces (CAT). During
                            declararam a intenção de retornar ao local.        the World Cup 1,163 cultural performances were put on in the
                                                                               city, involving over 250 artists. As a result of the investments,
                                                                               89% of Brazilians and 79% of foreign visitors who were in
                                                                               Amazonas during the World Cup, declared their intention to
                                                                               return to the place.

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