Page 138 - E-book Copa 2014 Inglês.indb
P. 138


                            INFRA S T R UC T UR E

                            A mobilidade urbana ganhou a requalificação de 65 quilômetros de vias, três
                            terminais de ônibus, 41 plataformas e 200 novos pontos para os passageiros
                            do transporte público.

                            A Copa do Mundo acelerou o processo de implantação da rede de fibra óptica
                            no estado, o que barateou e melhorou a qualidade do acesso à internet. Foram
                            226 quilômetros instalados, além de 708 novas antenas de telefonia.

                            A estrutura de saúde recebeu um centro de operação integrada e um posto
                            médico avançado ao redor da Arena da Amazônia, além de contar com a rede
                            do Samu. Foram registrados 1.394 atendimentos e ocorrências médicas rela-
                            cionadas ao público da Copa.

                            O Centro Integrado de Comando e Controle Regional (CICC-R) coordenou as
                            operações de segurança. Foram R$ 61 milhões na construção e aparelhamento
                            do local, com 2,7 mil metros quadrados de área. O CICC-R tem uma parede
                            de vídeo de 11 metros (videowall) com 36 telões, para onde foram enviadas
                            imagens de 230 câmeras, imagens aéreas de um helicóptero e as informações
                            dos centros móveis e das Plataformas de Observação Elevadas.
                            The infrastructure in the city was improved. For example, 65 km of roadways
                            were enhanced, as well as bus terminals, 41 platforms and 200 new stops were
                            built for passengers using public transport.

                            The World Cup sped up the process for the implementation of the optical fibre
                            network in the state, which improved the quality of internet access and made it
                            cheaper. In all, 226 kilometres were laid down and 708 new telephone anten-
                            nas were put up.

                            The health related infrastructure was also enhanced with an integrated oper-
                            ation centre and an advanced medical unit in the stadium’s surrounding area.
                            Samu (ambulance service) was also on call. In all, 1,394 medical care services
                            were rendered to people who were there because of the World Cup.

                            The Regional Integrated Command and Control Centre (CICC-R) coordinated
                            security operations. In all, R$ 61 million was invested in building and equipping
                            the place, which covers a 2.7 thousand square metres area. CICC-R has an 11
                            metre video wall with 36 screens, where images from the 230 cameras are
                            forwarded to, in addition to aerial footage taken by a helicopter and information
                            from the mobile centres and elevated observation decks.

                                                                                                    Foto: GettyImages

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