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P. 25


                                                   Self-Check 1.1-2

               Test1. Multiple choice:  Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

                   1.  It has two parts – the subject and the predicate.
                          a.  Sentence
                          b.  Run-on Sentence
                          c.  Fragment
                   2.  A part of a sentence which something is said about.
                          a.  Run-on sentence
                          b.  Subject
                          c.  Predicate
                   3.  A part of a sentence which says something about the subject.
                          a.  Run-on sentence
                          b.  Subject
                          c.  Predicate
                   4.  It is a sentence which is not complete, and therefore not grammatically correct.
                          a.  Run-on sentence
                          b.  Subject
                          c.  Fragment
                   5.  A sentence which actually contains two (or more) complete sentences without the
                       proper punctuation to create separate sentences.
                           a.  Subject
                           b.  Run-on sentence
                           c.  Fragment

               Test2. Identification: Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each
                       following sentences:

                   1.  The keys to the car (are, is) on the table
                   2.  Nobody in this houses (have, has) shoveled the sidewalks.
                   3.  Everyone in the two clubs (are, is) ready to help
                   4.  (Was, Were) those visitors from Batangas?
                   5.  Neither the radio nor the television (seems, seem) to work.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
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