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                                             INFORMATION SHEET 1.1-3
                                           EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION

               Learning  Objectives:  After  reading  this  information  sheet,  the  student/  trainee
                       should be able to;
                         1.  Explain the importance of communication.
                         2.  Identify the various elements of communication
                         3.  Determine the modes of communication.
                         4.  Differentiate the various methods/skills of communication.
                         5.  Identify the three main modes of communication.
                         6.  Determine the barriers to communication.
                         7.  Identify the benefits of effective communication and the consequences
                             in failing to communicate effectively.

                       It defined as the art of sending and receiving information. It is a process of
               conveying  messages,  of  transmitting  meaning  between  individuals.  It  is  an
               exchange; for it to be effective, information must flow back and forth from sender to
               the  receiver.  The  former  must  have  some  knowledge  of  the  latter‘s  reaction.  This
               process by which a system regulates itself by feeding to itself parts of its outputs is
               called feedback.

               Basic Elements of Communication:
                       The process of communication is composed of three elements:
                         1.  The source (sender, speaker, transmitter, or instructor),
                         2.  The symbols used in composing and transmitting the message (words
                             or signs), and;
                         3.  The receiver (listener, reader, or student).
                       The  three  elements  are  dynamically  interrelated  since  each  element  is
               dependent on the others for effective communication to take place.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 26 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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