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                                             INFORMATION SHEET 2.2-3
                                   GROUP PLANNING AND DECISION MAKING

               Learning objectives:

                       1.  Identify the different types of group decision making
                       2.  Learn the procedures in effective discussion

                  For effective group discussion, you must follow some procedures:

                   1.  Identify the particular problem or situation- what the problem or situation is;
                       analyze it, find its causes, determine its seriousness, and decide whether or
                       not it is something deserving attention.
                   2.  Establish  a  criteria  or  course  of  action  leading  to  a  workable  solution.  For
                       example, in a flood calamity, you must determine the time, the effort, and the
                       money  that  will  be  involved  in  helping  the  flood  victims  as  acceptable
                       solutions to solve the crisis.
                   3.  Research  possible  solutions  or  courses  of  action  –  this  implies  using
                       interviews, library work, observation, experiment-actions as tools for arriving
                       at valid conclusions and solutions to the problem at hand.
                   4.  Evaluate proposed solutions or courses of action for the purpose of selecting
                       one to be tested, i.e. test each proposed solution for affectivity of results. For
                       example, using helicopters to bring food, medicine, and clothing to the people
                       in the flooded areas that had remained impassable because of high water.
                   5.  Test the selected solution or course of action so as to find out how workable
                       the solution is.

               Types of Group Decision-making
                       Abstract- Many managers like to believe that they are accomplished in such
               group  decision-making  processes  as  action  planning,  goal  setting  and  problem-
               solving.  However,  their  ability  to  implement  such  techniques  effectively  is  often
               hindered  by  their  lack  of  understanding  of  the  dynamics  of  these  group  decision-
               making processes. As a result, these managers often end up perpetuating problems
               that  they  themselves create  through  their  insensitivity  to  the  needs  of  other group
               members. Hence, instead of achieving a consensus, such managers only serve their
               own interests by leading the group to situations such as decision-making by lack of
               response  or  by  authority  role.  Sometimes,  they  lead  the  group  toward  decision-

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 96 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     115
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