Page 24 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 24

The Spring Appointed Times
                                                  Appointed Time
                                                       Abib 10
                                                Inspect the Lamb for Purity
                                              In preparation for Passover, each
                                              household was to take an
                                              unblemished male lamb and observe
                                              it for its purity until the 14th. In a
                                              similar way, Jesus entered Jerusalem
                                              on the 10th day and was tested by
                                              the religious leaders regarding His
                                              purity in God’s truth.  He
                                              demonstrated such pure wisdom
                                              and truth that no one dared to
                                              continue questioning him.
                                                   Abib 14 (Passover)
                                                Kill the lamb and publicly
                                                    display its blood
                                              The lamb was to be killed between
                                              3:00pm and sundown, and its blood
                                              was to be applied to the doorposts
                                              and lintel of each house.  In the
                                              same way, Jesus was crucified on
                                              Passover and died at 3:00pm—the
                                              same time that the Lord stipulated
                                              for the Passover lamb to be killed.
                                                      Abib 15–21
                                               The Feast of Unleavened Bread
                                              When the sun set on Abib 14, the     Substance
                                              date changed to the 15th, which was
                                              the first day of the Feast of
                                              Unleavened Bread. On this evening,
                                              the people were to eat the lamb
                                              with bitter herbs and unleavened
                                              bread.  Jesus was placed in the tomb
                                              on this same evening—the Lamb
                                    The Messiah: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
                                              tasting the bitterness of death.
                                               The Sunday during the Feast of
                                               Unleavened Bread First-Fruits
                                              First Fruits was to be observed on the day
                                              after the weekly Sabbath (i.e., on Sunday)
                                              during the seven-day Feast of Unleavened
                                              Bread.  Thus, on the same day that the
                                              Israelites offered the sheaf of the First
                                              Fruits offering, Jesus rose from the dead as
                                              the first fruits of many brothers and sisters.
                                              The timing is stunning – the Israelites also
                                              arose alive from the sea at daybreak on
                                              First Fruits, and almost 1,500 years later
                                              Jesus arose alive from the tomb at
                                              daybreak on First Fruits.
                                                 50 Days after First Fruits
                                                   The Feast of Weeks
                                                     (i.e. Pentecost)
                                              Fifty days after the Israelites arose
                                              alive from the sea on First Fruits, the
                                              Lord met them at Mount Sinai in a
                                              terrifying way and gave His Law to
                                              the people.  Almost 1,500 years
                                              later, on the day of Pentecost, the
                                              Lord met with His disciples in the
                                              upper room in Jerusalem and loving-
                                              ly indwelled them with His Holy
                        As you can see, the spring Appointed Times provide a very clear time signature, which
                 Jesus fulfilled with perfect precision.
                         At this point we must ask, “Could it just be a coincidence that the timing and events
                 of the Appointed Times just happened to match the timing and events of Jesus’ life, or did the
                 Lord intentionally place the Appointed Times in His Word to teach about the Messiah?”  This is
                 an excellent question, since we do not want to spend our time musing on mere coincidences
                 that have little or no substance. Our focus must be on God’s truth.  Fortunately, the Scriptures
                 provide a clear answer for us.
                        In Colossians 2:16–17, Paul tells us that no one should act as our judge in regard to “a
                 festival, new moon, or Sabbath day—things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but

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