Page 25 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 25

Part 1: The Appointed Times

                 the substance belongs to Christ.”    Did you know that the Jewish festivals, new moons, and
                 Sabbath  days  were  instituted  by  the  Appointed  Times?    Although  he  did  not  use  the  term
                 Appointed Times, Paul is referring to these holy days and telling us that they teach about the

                               …a festival, new moon, or Sabbath day—things

                               which are a mere shadow of what is to come;
                               but the substance belongs to Christ.

                                           Colossians 2:16–17 (Emphasis added)

                        The book of Hebrews also teaches that the Law… has only a shadow of the good things
                 to come and not the very form of things.    When we view these passages together, we learn that
                 the Messiah is the substance or the true meaning of the Appointed Times, whereas the festivals,
                 new moons, and Sabbath days simply cast shadows of His work.
                        What do we mean when we say that the Appointed Times are shadows of Christ?  When
                 we see a shadow on the ground or on a wall, we are able to discern details about the object that
                 is casting it by simply observing its outline.  Even though the shadow is all we can see, we can
                 learn some key things about the object without being distracted by its many details.
                        In a similar way, the Appointed Times convey key truths about the work of the Messiah
                 without  overwhelming  us  with  the  splendor  of  His  character  and  glory.    From  our  human
                 perspective, the Appointed Times help us understand the significance of events that we might
                 otherwise miss amidst the complex and glorious details of the Messiah.  For this reason God
                 gave us shadows to help us see the forest despite the multitude of trees—forms and rites from
                 the unfamiliar realm of heaven.  It is up to us to meditate on these shadows so we can gain
                 deeper and clearer understanding of the work of the Messiah.

                        Notice also that Paul said the Appointed Times are a shadow of what is to come. Some
                 of  the  prophetic  aspects  have  already  occurred,  but  the  fulfillment  of  others  are  still  in  the
                 future, even from the time of Paul—even from our own time in the 21st century.  We also find

                 4 Colossians 2:16 – “Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a
                 Sabbath day—things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ”  (Emphasis added).
                 5 Hebrews 10:1 (Emphasis added)                                                     13
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