Page 40 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 40

Nelson's Sand Bar Restaurant & Marina                                                    ence of the area, but does not run the ship.
                      on Bouvier Bay / northern Anchor Bay                                  On a 1000’ ship, when you are in the

                                                  Best              SthuensLaekt eV!iew  Pilot House, which is in the back of the
                                                    on                                   ship, you cannot see 800 feet in front of
                                                                                         you. There are bow looks outs, however.
              10 TV's including 4 Big Screens                                            When fully loaded, it takes more than
 New menu with daily lunch, dinner, & drink specials                                     one mile to stop. As is everyone’s fear
                                                                                         when fishing in the rivers, one time Dave
                Boat wells starting at $500                                              said they almost ran over a boat under the
Gated & Secured Boat/Trailer Storage at only $.75/day                                    Blue Water Bridge when a guy was right
                                                                                         in the middle of the river and couldn’t
                     Transient Dockage                                                   get his boat started. Another dumb thing
                                                                                         he’s seen are people trying to touch the
See map page 4 for vicinity - page 16 for GPS                                            ship while the ship is moving in the river
Plenty of dockage at restaurant,          Phone: 586-725-5355
stop on by & dine inside or out!                                                            When you’re off for 8 hours, it can get
                                                                                         boring. To help pass the time, there is the
7479 Dyke Road (M29), Clay Twp., MI                                                      internet, satellite TV, internet movies, a
                                                                                         library, and a weight room. There are also
Life Aboard a Freighter Cont. from pg 36  crew with you, and on the Great Lakes it’s     card nights with poker, Euchre, etc. Dave
As for time, it takes about 6 days for a                                                 spends time lifting weights and keeping
1000’ ship to start in Duluth, MN and do  more common to have a different crew           up with the sporting world.... Geez, what
a complete round trip. A 1000’ freighter                                                 did guys do before internet, satellite TV,
averages speeds of 15-16 miles per hour.  which makes it difficult to have consisten-    and cell phones?
No speed limits are on the lakes and
certain areas are limited to 8-12 mph on  cy. Crew members are                              Dave’s worst weather experience so
the rivers. You do see some competition                                                  far has been 15 footers on northern Lake
                                          all on different rotations, Loading the        Michigan...on the ocean he was in 20
        Typical Crew Quarters             some for only 30 days,
between the ships, since some ships are   some for 60. There are    Pathfinder                                           footers in the
faster. You commonly see races to the                                                                                    Caribbean. He
Soo Locks where 80% of the ships can      not many women on the                                                          said he doesn’t
only use one lock. If you get beat you                                                                                   get scared...or
generally lose 1 hour of time.            freighters, you run into                                                       seasick...he’s
                                                                                                                         an adrenalin
   There are typically 18-28 crew on the  one or two occasionally.                                                       junkie. We’ll
ship. You don’t always have the same                                                                                     ask him again
                                          Dave works four                                                                in 10 years.
 Unloading in
 Manitowok, Wisconsin,                    hours on and 8 hours off                                                           When you
 on Lake Michigan                                                                                                        pull into a port,
                                          24 hours a day, seven                                                          and you’re
                                                                                                                         not on watch,
                                          days a week on naviga-                                                         you are free to
                                                                                         get off the long as you get back
                                          tional watch, and then                         before your watch begins or they leave!
                                                                                         On the Great Lakes, it’s go-go-go, so
                                          loading and unloading
                                                                                                         One Engine
                                          cargo. As an officer, Dave is also respon-
                                                                                         there’s not as much time in port as when
                                          sible to oversee daily operations, includ-     he worked the Ocean. Your family is also
                                                                                         allowed to visit on board also if they pull
                                          ing deck maintenance, safety checks,           into a port and they’re nearby.

                                          unloading plans, and chart corrections.           The food on board is pretty good.
                                                                                         You don’t get any choices; you just eat
                                          Safety checks are run regularly to ensure      whatever the steward (chef) cooks. You

                                          everything is up to Coast Guard specifica-


                                          The most stress on board usually

                                          comes when loading or unloading the

                                          vessel. While unloading, the bending

                                          movements of the equipment in the wrong

                                          place can cause the ship to fail, or crack

                                          structural members. Also, it's precarious

                                          entering the St. Clair River from Lake

                                          Huron because you gain 5-8 mph more

                                          speed with the fast current rushing under

                                          the Blue Water Bridge.

                                          I heard about pilots and Dave said that

                                          when a foreign vessel travels through the

                                          Great Lakes (a salty), an American pilot

                                          must board for the transit of the vessel.

                                          He’s there for his knowledge and experi-
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