Page 36 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 36

Life onboard a great lakes

                                                                                                1000’ American Spirit

I finally met someone, who knew some- nation.                                          The economy has affected the number of

one, that works on the freighters that                                                 ships passing, but also, there are less ships

pass through Lake St. Clair and up our As for a work schedule on the Great             running because the ships are bigger and

rivers. I’ve been wishing to talk with Lakes freighters, it’s common to work 28 more efficient.

someone doing this for several years,      days, then off for 14, or 60 days then off

and yes, it was as interesting as I had for 30 ...with three months off during the Seasoned veterans often work the same

hoped.                                     winter months. The Great Lake’s freight- ship. Young guys like Dave get bumped

                                           ers are typically laid up mid to late Janu- around more. In the last year on the Great

Here’s a glimpse of working on a freight-’s just not economical to run with Lakes, Dave has been on the 1000’ Amer-

er... For reference, they call them freight- the potential of the many ice and weather ican Spirit, 711’ Dorothy Ann Pathfinder,

ers too, or lakers, ships, and vessels. I  delays. They generally start back up the and the 630’ Seabulk Energy. These

spoke with Dave Connell, an officer 3rd end of March. When you’re working the ships carry stone, taconite pellets (which

mate, who has worked several different Ocean, you see more                                               resemble marbles

ships that pass us by. Dave is 24, single, of 60 days on/60 off,                                         and then are

and resides in Harbor Beach, Michigan. or 90/90. So, there’s                                             turned into steel

                                           no going home when                                            mostly for cars),

Dave in the Soo Locks                      you’re on, unless you     The “Spirit”                        coal, and various
                                           happen to live by one of                                      liquid products
                                           the ports.                passing the                         from unleaded

                                                                                                         gasoline to

                                           When you’re off the       “Gott” in Lake                      sludge which is
                                           ship, you’re not work-       St. Clair                        a junk liquid.
                                           ing for the company,                                          Besides working

                                           so you catch up with                                          the Great Lakes,

                                           family and friends...                                         Dave has done

                                           but it’s not uncommon to be called back 90 days on the Pacific West Coast, Gulf

                                           before your vacation time is up due to      Coast, and through the Panama Canal.

                                           companies trying to limit the amount of

                                           employees on the payroll and a shortage Typically the 1000’ ships carry the same

Dave didn’t decide to work on ships right of not as many licensed and qualified        cargo all the time and tend to be on

out of high school. He graduated from      people. When he’s off, Dave’s an avid       dedicated runs. The 600-700’ ships are

Ferris State with a Bachelors Degree in boater, hunter, and fisherman around the more work boats, get the “crappy docks”,

Business, and then                                                thumb area...and     and carry a variety of product. The 1000’

received his As-      American Spirit Wheelhouse                  enjoys eating his    American Spirit would generally load in
sociates in Applied                                               mom’s cooking.       Superior, WI or Duluth, MN and offload

Science from North-                                                                    at steel mines

western Michigan                                                  The lower water      in Detroit,

College. In 2010,                                                 levels tremendously Chicago,

he visited the Great                                              affect the amounts or southern
                                                                                       Lake Erie Duluth
Lakes Maritime                                                    of cargo being
                                                                  carried. For every ports. The
Academy and the                                                   inch of water lost, 711’ Path-

opportunities seemed                                              you eliminate 1000 finder Dave

endless. Dave has                                                 tons of cargo. As was on in

done three - 90 day                                                                    one day started from Stoneport (Alpena),

stints as a cadet                                                 our lake levels      stopped in Marysville, Marine City, De-

through the Great                                                 normally drop
Lakes Maritime Academy, which is one of throughout the season, this loss in water troit, and Marblehead, OH (Cedar Pointe
                                                                                       Area). Continued on page 40.........
the six State Maritime Academy’s in the equates to about four more shiploads.

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