Page 41 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 41

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generally don’t lose any weight since they  I know when we’ve boated on long          If you want to be an officer, the
tend to have good spreads of food. You
also don’t wear uniforms and launder        trips, or taken a cruise, it takes a few days easiest way is through the State Maritime
your own clothes on board.
                                            before I stop rocking in my chair at home. Academies, and most require a Bachelor’s
   Favorite site seeing areas on the Great
Lakes include the Southern Lake Superior    Dave said it doesn’t bother him when he Degree. Working the freighters, how-
shoreline, Mackinaw area, eastern Lake
Michigan (dunes), and the high rises of     gets off...obviously his equilibrium was ever, is not an easy profession to get into
                                            built to                                  because of the difficult lifestyle
   Dave’s never seen a whale or a UFO,
but he has seen Eagles in the St. Mary’s    be a sea-                                 you need to adapt to and the
River, and when he sees other boats troll-
ing and catching fish he wants to jump      man. many hoops the Coast Guard
overboard and join them. He has seen
meteor showers, falling stars, and water    Dave                                      puts you through to get your
spouts. Dave’s also seen a flash here and
there from girls on boats, as well as see-  said that                                 license. If you aspire to being
ing a “couple coupling” once.
                                            most a captain, it is just time and at
 Approaching the Mackinac Bridge
                                            crew least 10 years experience to run
                at Sunrise
                                            really                                    your own ship. If someone is

                                            don’t                                     interested in working on the

                                            like       Passing Mackinac Island with   Great Lakes freighters Dave
                                            their       the “Grand Hotel” in View     suggests visiting the Seafarers
                                            job but                                   International Union in Algo-

                                            realize                                   nac, the Great Lakes Maritime

                                            it is a                                   Academy in Traverse City, or

                                            job and that the money they make aboard there’s plenty of information online.

                                            a ship is much better than any other job  I asked Dave if there’s a signal a boater

                                            they could work. For "mate" officers,     can give a captain to make him blow the

                                            the common pay may be around $10,000 horn like a trucker? He said it depends

                                            a month. The time away from families on the mood the captain is in. Sometimes

                                            and more fun things in life add up when just simple waving of the arms or the

                                            you’re onboard for such long periods      trucker whistle signal is common, some

                                            making for bad morale sometimes. You captains love blowing the whistle... some

                                            go through stretches. Some say the only are grumpy old men.

                                            good time is when they are leaving for    Thanks for sharing Dave...we'll

                                            vacation. It’s definitely not a job for   watch for you on Lake St. Clair!

                                            everyone. Some guys have 30 years in;

                                            some are done after five years.

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