Page 40 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 40
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Let someone else Continued from page 28... New
do the driving Launch Date
and bartending
for a change..... If you do launch early and get
caught off guard with freezing
We boat probably five times weather, are there things we
a week. So, paying for a can do to minimize the risk?
boat ride seemed un- Cruising the Clinton River out into Lake St. Clair For inboard/inboard-outboard
boats, I go back to the old rule
likely. But, this year better safe than sorry. It is best
we wanted to try to wait until temperatures have
something new…. We stabilized before allowing an
gathered three other beverage in discussion amongst the pas- unwinterized boat to tempt fate
boating couples and hand it was sengers, so if you want to with the cold. With certain units,
did a murder mystery comfortable. meet some new people, this it is possible to winterize an en-
cruise on the Clinton After a nice, is a great way to do it! gine’s cooling systems while the
River Cruise Boat. and very fill- The cruise lasted 3 hours, boat is still in the water. This
Would we all do it again? ing dinner buffet of several and mostly was in the Clin- does not apply to all types and
Yes! cold vegetable salads, which ton River, with a short jaunt best to familiarize ones-self with
exactly how your engines cool-
We did a mid-July cruise. were great for a hot evening, into Lake St. Clair. Grow-
It was a hot steamy night, big homemade meatballs, ing up around Mt. Clemens ing system operates.
probably 90 degrees when roasted chicken, vegetables, I didn’t realize how many
we left the dock at 6pm. The a nice pasta with olive oil, beautiful homes lined the There are certain things
boat kept a pretty good pace and cake for dessert, 10 river, most with very friend- known in the boating communi-
however, so there was a nice volunteers for the Murder ly people waving to us as we ties to try and keep engines from
breeze and plenty of shade Mystery performed. The proceeded. freezing in cold temps, and even
available, so with my cold volunteers each were pro- We were glad we did the some products such as heaters/
vided a script and read the lamps to keep engines and en-
mystery play in Murder Mystery for our gine compartments above freez-
front of the rest first trip, but if you have a ing conditions. While this may
of the passengers large group that gets eas- help to keep temps around the
Captain Chuck Reed (that night was ily distracted with catching engine above freezing, it is by
no means a guarantee from pos-
The Mt. Clemens up with each other, I would sible damage or safety.
Madam). After recommend just the dinner
about an hour, cruise so you and your girl- Besides the engine,
one of our group friends don’t have to sit qui- what other internal compo-
was found to be etly for 45 minutes. The 3 nent damage could happen?
the murderer! hours went by so fast, that’s Many of today’s boaters have
when we all decided we must additional components onboard
The mystery do this again next year! See that utilize water such as pumps,
caused a lot of pg. 27 to book your trip! wash downs, hot water tanks,
Continued on page 41....
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