Page 24 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 24

Fuel, Party Stores on the Water, Bait & Marine Supplies                                                 See previous
                                                                                                        page for Lake

                                                                                                           St. Clair

See Map     Location            Latitude     Longitude    Gas - G    Food - F                        Bait - B    See Page #
Page 4 for                      42 97.36      82 42.18   Diesel - D  Beer - B                        Marine      Below for
 Vicinity                       42 58.50                Pumpout - P  Wine - W                     Supplies - M  More Details
                                42 49.12
St. Clair River Desmond         42 36.60                   G, D, P                                     Wi-Fi     Back Cover
                                42 36.92
Port Huron  Marine              42 21.40
                                42 21.35
St. Clair River Sarnia Bay                   82 24.41   G, D, P            F                       M            Back Cover
                                             82 29.05   G, D, P                                   B, M            Page 22
Sarnia      Marina                                                   B,W via shuttle

St. Clair River St. Clair Boat

St. Clair   Harbor

North Channel Algonac Boat                   82 32.94   G, D, P                          F                      Page 6

Algonac     Harbour

North Channel Sunset Harbor                  82 33.84   G, P                             F        M Page 39

Algonac     & Marina

Detroit River Len’s @Keans                   82 58.25   G, D, P                          F, B, W  B, M          Page 22
                                             82 58.59   G, D, P                          F, B, W   M            Page 27
Detroit River Gregory Boat

As you can see from the photos on the        sume the following from ice colors:         able for even a footstep.
next page, we all can have fun on the        Black ice - this is new ice, very common    In general, the rules for ice thickness
lake in the winter too! But, the photo       early in the season.                        measurements are:
above, which I took a few year's ago, is     Clear blue or green ice - this is said to   3” (7 cm) (new ice) - KEEP OFF
sadly too what can happen. All those         be the strongest for its thickness.         4” (10 cm) - suitable for ice fishing,
people are standing on the lake on           White ice - opaque (cannot be seen          cross-country skiing and walking (ap-
Bouvier Bay by the Fair Haven DNR            through), this ice is generally found       prox. 200 pounds)
ramp. You can see how thick the ice is,      mid-winter. It thrives in weather that      5” (12 cm) - suitable for a single snow-
however, this truck fell thru after plow-    has been well below freezing for many       mobile or ATV (approx. 800 pounds)
ing a little too much snow off the ice for   days. It must be twice the thickness of     8” - 12” (20 - 30 cm) - suitable for one
the snowmobile race track.                   clear blue or green ice to support the      car, group of people (approx. 1500 -
                                             same weight.                                2000 pounds)
To be safe....know your ice color mean-      Mottled and slushy or “rotten” ice - not    12” - 15” (30 - 38 cm) - suitable for a
ings, or like me, wait 'till you see trucks  so much its color but its texture. This     light pickup truck or a van
on the ice and for sure you can walk on      ice is thawing and slushy. It is decep-
it then! Although a useful indicator,        tive - it may seem thick at the top but it  Recognize that there is no such
color alone should not be relied upon.       is rotting away at the center and base.     thing as “safe ice.” Conditions
For instance, ice of any color subjected     Most prevalent in spring, may be show-
to a running water force underneath          ing signs of browns from plant tannins,     and unseen or unknown factors, like
will be weaker than ice not subject to       dirt and other natural materials that       offshore winds, can render seem-
that pressure. In general, you can as-       are resurfacing from thawing. Not suit-     ingly safe ice suddenly dangerous.
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