Page 26 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 26

Have you noticed when you're out on Lake St. Clair boating and
   there are clouds all around the lake, but not over the lake?

                Shoreline along St. Clair Shores & Harrison Township

During boating season in general, land warms more quickly          some distance away from the Lee shore. As you can see from
than water and gives off more heat during the day. As cold air     the satellite photo underneath, the wind is blowing from the
comes in from the lake (it already has moisture from the lake)     southwest.
and hits a warm surface, the air begins to rise as it heats up
(warm air rises). As it rises, the air cools and eventually con-   In the winter
denses and forms clouds. Conversely, when air temperatures
are cooler in the summer or in the fall, the air mass descends     the air is
over the lake. As the cool air drops, it warms up from the water,
and the warming air keeps the water vapor from condensing          very dry and
into clouds. As a result, there are no clouds over the lake.
                                                                   cold. The

                                                                   water is a bit

                                                                   warmer and

                                                                   will put some

                                        The distribution           moisture into   detTerhme icnloeutdhepwatitnedrndihreelcptsion
                                                                   the air. This
                                        of clouds around           causes clouds
                                                                   to form over
                                        a lake can help

                                        determine wind

 Evaporation                            direction. If a            water. If
from the Great                          cumulus cloud
Lakes develops                          pattern exists,            there is no
                                        the clouds will
  into clouds                           extend to the up-          wind, the
 moving East,                           wind side of the
dropping snow                           lake and dissipate         clouds will hover right where they form, over the water. But

                                                                   with our steady winds, they move back over land which causes

                                                                   lake effect snow when that moisture needs to be released back

as they go                                                         to land to re-establish the dry-cold equilibrium.

                                        over the cooler

                                        water surface.             So, cloud cover over the Great Lakes is greatest during winter
                                                                   and, conversely, the summertime waters of the Great Lakes
                                        The downwind               reduce cloudiness.

side of the lakeshore will be clear, and the clouds will reform

                                        St. Clair County is home                     Michigan Free
                                          to the world’s longest                   Fishing Weekends!
                                         freshwater boardwalk.
                                                                                     February 13-14
                                                                                        June 12-13

Have   yoofuSbt.eCelnaiurplattoetlyh?e  The half-mile walkway                        These are two special
 City                                   overlooks the 33-mile                        times when all fishing
                                        St. Clair River, and is a                  license fees will be waived
                                          prime vantage point                      for residents and outstate
                                                                                      visitors alike on both
                                          for viewing giant ice                     inland and Great Lakes
                                            flows and ocean
                                            going freighters.                          waters. All fishing
                                                                                     regulations still apply.

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