Page 4 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 4
Every American benefits from the work of federal employees every day. This became even more important and
obvious in the wake of the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, when 800,000 federal employees
missed two consecutive paychecks during a 35-day stalemate.
Shutting down the government to achieve a legislative end is not about getting the YES vote and building con-
sensus. Americans expect federal employees to place the needs of our nation above their own and be able to
carry out their daily work in accomplishing the government’s mission.
It is important to remember that NARFE has repeatedly crossed the aisle and worked with elected officials of
both parties to achieve a positive resolution to government shutdowns, pay freeze legislation and changes to re-
tirement benefits, among others.
Ask anyone and they will tell you that the political climate is getting more partisan. As a cautionary note, NARFE
members should remember that our association is political, not partisan. This is a small, yet important, distinc-
tion. The reality is that NARFE members must meet with their elected officials on both sides of the aisle, as per-
sonal outreach can influence decisions on earned federal benefits.
Members of Congress know that NARFE is a nonpartisan honest broker, delivering unbiased positions and accu-
rate information for the benefit of good governance. That rapport gives the association access to meetings, brief-
ings and opportunities to provide perspective on pending legislation.
While NARFE remains a nonpartisan organization, the organization recognizes that elected officials have party
affiliations. Knowing that members of Congress are increasingly voting along party lines, we highlight legislators
and policymakers who cross the aisle on votes. In today’s political climate, that is not always an easy thing to do.
NARFE-PAC, the association’s political action committee, gives to both sides of the aisle and does not consider
party affiliation when making financial contribution decisions. What matters most is how the member of Congress
votes on NARFE issues.
It is vital that NARFE members speak to their elected officials on issues or concerns, regardless of the official’s
party. Members of Congress are responsible to their constituents; therefore, they must hear from you. NARFE
members cannot limit their engagement to legislators who share their party affiliation; a luxury NARFE cannot
NARFE continues working to secure, preserve and advocate for the earned pay and benefits of federal employ-
ees, retirees and annuitants. NARFE remains a nonpartisan organization, and it is important that our members
are nonpartisan as well when working on NARFE’s behalf. Remember, the issues that NARFE faces impact peo-
ple regardless of their political party. Cross the aisle.
Kenneth Thomas Barbara Sido
National President Executive Director