P. 148
146 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
For the Year Ended September 30, 2024.
Expressed in millions of Trinidad and Tobago dollars, except where otherwise stated.
15. Debt securities in issue
2024 2023
a Fixed rate bonds 995 472
b Floating rate bonds 32 1,041
1,027 1,513
a Fixed rate bonds 4 5
Total debt securities in issue 1,031 1,518
Unsecured obligations
a On April 17, 2024, the unsecured debt due by Republic Financial Holdings Limited totaling $150 million United States
dollars was repaid at the scheduled maturity date.
Republic Bank Limited has the following unsecured fixed rate debts denominated in Trinidad and Tobago dollars as at
September 30, 2024:
1 $650 million which becomes repayable at the end of a ten-year period on June 6, 2034. Interest is accrued at a fixed
rate of 5.50 percent. Principal repayments would be made at maturity. Interest payments would be made bi-annually
from inception.
2 $350 million which becomes repayable at the end of a fifteen-year period on June 18, 2039. Interest is accrued at a
fixed rate of 6.10 percent. Principal repayments would be made at maturity. Interest payments would be made bi-
annually from inception.
b On June 17, 2024, the amounts due to Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and International Finance Corporation
(IFC) totalling $75 million United States dollars each, were repaid before the scheduled maturity date of June 2026.
Republic Bank (Ghana) PLC also has an unsecured floating rate debt of $79 million Ghanian dollars which becomes
repayable at the end of a twenty year period on June 18, 2041. Interest is accrued at the two year Treasury Bill rate plus a
spread of 2.5 percent. Principal and interest repayments are made bi-annually from inception.
Secured obligations
a Floating rate bonds are denominated in Trinidad and Tobago dollars and are secured by property and equipment under
investments in leased assets.