Page 8 - Tampa YMCA Advisory Board Handbook
P. 8

The Center Advisory Board shall have a minimum of ten (10) and maximum of twenty-five (25) members. Waivers may be granted by the CEO.
1. Nominations are accepted by board members or the Center Executive via the Prospective Member Referral Form (see appendix)
2. Nominees are initially vetted by the board chair and the executive director.
3. Nominees are presented to the Board Development Committee for approval and presented to the full advisory board for confirmation.
4. Individuals are nominated for a three-year term, unless filling a vacancy.
5. Unless a waiver issued by the President/CEO, no person may, at any time that such person is a staff member of the Association, serve as a member of the Advisory Board.
6. Each member of the Advisory Board will affirm, endorse, and comply with the Board Commitment Document (see appendix) as developed by the Oversight Committee.
Advisory Board elections should be held annually or biannually for established boards. Emerging Advisory Boards may elect to have nominations and elections done on a rolling basis.
Subject to election, each new Advisory Board Member shall receive the following materials:
• Joint welcome letter from Center Executive and Advisory Board Chair
• Association Advisory Board Handbook and Resource Guide
• Advisory Board Commitment (for signature)
• Advisory Board New Member Information Form
• Meeting Schedule
• Annual Campaign Case for Support and Pledge Card
• Executive Summary / Collaterals that detail programs and services offered by the Y
1. Members of the Advisory Board shall be elected to a term of three (3) years and thereafter eligible for reelection.
2. Vacancies on the Advisory Board may be filled immediately at any time upon nomination by the Board Development Committee and confirmation by the Advisory Board.

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