Page 2 - ARABELLA Capability Statement
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        Incorporated in 2012 in Rwanda, ARABELLA was born out of V d’Unienville & Associates Co. Ltd (D&A)
        and KEYSTONE Project Management Co. Ltd, with the former being a Chartered Quan�ty Surveying
        Prac�ce and the la�er a leader in Project Management, both opera�ng in Mauri�us.



                                AIM                                  HONESTY

           ARABELLA’s aim is to extend its
           services to civil, building and

           industrial projects in Rwanda and
           the pan-African region.                                   INTEGRITY


                                  We build our competency to adapt to each specific African environment
                                                                     we meet;

            MISSION               Understanding our clients’ requirements is the key factor to our success

                                                    and we remain flexible in our approach;

                                  We  constantly  ensure  that  projects  benefit  from  innova�ons  in  terms  of
                                                                 efficiency, quality

                   WHAT WE                                PROJECT MANAGEMENT

                                                    QUANTITY SURVEYING SERVICES
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