Page 4 - ARABELLA Capability Statement
P. 4


       Our services are tailored to provide economic solu�ons which ac�vely manage cost and risk from
       incep�on to comple�on. We remain flexible in our approach to find innova�ve ways allowing a project

       to  benefit  from  new  approaches  to  construc�on  procurement,  whilst  safeguarding  each  client’s
       contratual and commercial interests.

       An overview of our Quan�ty Surveying services is illustrated below:

                                                              Iden�fy scope of works

                                 APPRAISE                     Review design

                                                              Review orders already placed
                COST PLANNING   IMPLEMENT                     Iden�fy cost centres

                                                              Iden�fy work packages

                                                              Establish work packages budgets

                                                              Approved project budget

                                                              Work package scope of work

                                 APPRAISE                     Availability of goods/materials/services local
                PROCUREMENT     IMPLEMENT                     Issue tenders
                                                              Suitable tenderers

                                                              Prepare tender documenta�on

                                   REPORT                     Analyse, nego�ate
                                                              Appoint work package contractor

                                                              Check site instruc�ons

                                  APPRAISE                    Check drawing

                                                              Check on site
                COST CONTROL     IMPLEMENT                    Challenge change/ costs

                                                              Review budget

                                                              Agree varia�ons/Final Account

                                                              Financial statements
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