Page 7 - ARABELLA Capability Statement
P. 7


                                                               5MW Hydro electric power sta�on in the South
                                                             Province of Rwanda on Rukarara & Mushishito River

                                                            Construc�on of all civil works including the access road.

             Altera�ons & Addi�ons to Green Hills Academy, Kigali

              Addi�on of boarding houses, a swimming pool, new
             classrooms, new playing fields and associated external
                      works complete with all ameni�es.

                                                                  Housing Complex at Transmara, Kenya
                                                           Construc�on of 14 prefabricated steel houses complete
                                                             with all site works, u�li�es and associated ameni�es.

                      Residen�al Development, Gisozi
              Construc�on of 32 affordable apartments complete
                    with all external works and ameni�es.
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