Page 5 - ARABELLA Capability Statement
P. 5


        Our team is very much “hands on” and ac�vely involved in every stage of our project, as we

                                           “Understand construction,
                                       Understand our CLIENT’s needs”

        ARABELLA  draws  strength  from  its  two  sister  companies  sheltering  highly  qualified  Quan�ty
        Surveyors and Project Managers. The mix of experience and professionalism give us the dynamism and
        ability to exceed expecta�ons, consistently delivering the best results via commitment to outcomes of

        Mr. Vincent d’Unienville - Managing Director
        [BSc Dip Proj Man MRICS MAPM]

                                        Vincent is a member of the Royal Ins�tute of Chartered Surveyors
                                        (RICS), with over 30 years of professional experience in the Quan�ty
                                        Surveying and Project Management Services Industry.  This includes
                                        a wide range of projects in the hospitality, commercial, industrial,
                                        educa�onal  and  leisure  sectors,  amongst  others.  Vincent
                                        incorporated V d’Unienville & Associates Co. Ltd in 1998 (D&A), a
                                        Chartered Quan�ty Surveying Prac�ce in Mauri�us.

                                        Vincent also established KEYSTONE Project Management Co. Ltd in
                                        2002, a fully independent Project Management prac�ce firm based
                                        in Mauri�us.

                                        Turning to Africa, ARABELLA Co. Ltd was incorporated in May 2012,
                                        to offer both Project Management and Quan�ty Surveying Services
                                        in Rwanda and the Pan-African region.

                                        Vincent’s  interna�onal  experience  covers  Tanzania,  Madagascar,
                                        Seychelles, Comoros, Kenya, Libya and Rwanda.

        Mr. Ivan Kwizera – Project Quantity Surveyor
        [BSc Q S]

                                        Ivan, a Rwandan ci�zen, with 8 years’ experience in the Quan�ty
                                        Surveying field, was recruited in 2013. He spent 8 months of training
                                        at  V  d’Unienville  &  Associates  Co.  Ltd  (D&A)  in  Mauri�us  before
                                        reloca�ng to Rwanda at Christmas 2013.

                                        He  was  instrumental  in  star�ng  the  opera�ons  of    ARABELLA  in

                                        January 2014 and has been growing with the Company since.
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