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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report Page 4
Ranhill SAJ Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Revision 01
Summary of Findings Date Aug 2019
i Potential sources The potential source of a major accident is
D: Information of a major accident due to loss of containment of Chlorine.
relating to a Failure scenarios were identified and the
potential major risk assessment was conducted.
Refer Part D.1.0
ii Diagram of the Based on the modelled scenarios of loss of
plant showing containment event, the major accident
significant features events consequences are mapped on the
as regards to the site layout.
potential for a
major accident, its The sites are the chlorine storage area,
prevention or and chlorine injection area.
Refer Part D.2.0
iii Measures taken to The Company has established preventive
prevent, control or and mitigative measures to manage the
minimise the major accident events of chlorine gas leak.
consequences of a
major accident Refer Part D.3.0
iv Information about Information and descriptions are included
meteorological with the latest available data from the
conditions Meteorological Department.
Refer Part D.4.0
v Number of persons From the risk assessment results, the
on-site and off-site persons at risk were identified.
who may be
exposed Refer Part D.5.0 & Part D.6.0
Based on the above findings, we confirm that we have taken into account especially the
newest technical knowledge apparent in its effectiveness relating to the details in this
report and in relation to the safety and developments of knowledge regarding the
assessment of the hazard.