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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report   Page       1
                                                  Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd                     Revision      01
                                                      Introduction                        Date        Aug 2019

               1.0     COMPANY BACKGROUND

               Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd (RSAJ)  is an integrated water supply company, involved in the
               process of water treatment and distribution of treated water to consumers right up to
               billing and collection. The corporate office of  RSAJ  is located  at Johor Bahru,  Johor.
               The Company is operating forty-four (44) water treatment plants in the Johor State.

               Address:       Ranhill SAJ Sdn. Bhd.
                              Kampung Tengah 1 & Kampung Tengah 2 Water Treatment Plant,
                              Jalan Kolam Air, Kampung Tengah,
                              85000 Segamat, Johor, Malaysia.

               Person-in-charge:   Daud bin Ismail

               2.0     CIMAH REGULATIONS

               Many major accidents that have occurred around the world had caused massive fire,
               death,  explosion, loss of  property and the hazardous  and toxic release to the
               environment. In Malaysia, the major  industrial  accidents that have occurred include
               Bright Sparklers and Tiram Kimia, etc.

               In response to growing internal public demand  and international  pressure within the
               industry, the Malaysian Department  of  Occupational  Safety and  Health (DOSH) has
               promulgated the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Regulations
               1996 under Regulation Safety and Health Act, Act 514 which was gazetted on February
               1, 1996. Under the Regulations,  each Major Hazard Installation (MHI) is required to
               submit a Safety Report and an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to DOSH. Industries
               that handle hazardous substances in excess of stated threshold quantities are listed as
               MHI, as described in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Regulations.
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