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                     REGENT NEWS

     V O L U M E   1 6 ,   I S S U E   1 6       1 7 T H   J A N U A R Y ,   2 0 2 0

                                                                                              CLUB STARTS
                                           NEWS FROM EARLY YEARS                                  January 20th

                                          We had a nature walk around the                     GL ASSESSMENT/
                                           school to find natural and man-                      PARENT
                                                     made objects...
                                                                                                    January 21st

                                                                                            INTER-HOUSE

                                           NEWS FROM LOWER PRIMARY                            POETRY FESTIVAL

                                                                                                   January 24th
                                            fantastic start to their new unit                       TIME: 9-12 Noon

                                            about „Signs and Symbols‟ with a

                                                                                               INSIDE THIS


                                                                                              ARMED FORCES
                                                                                            REMEMBRANCE DAY         4

                                          NEWS FROM UPPER PRIMARY
                                                                                            EARLY YEARS NEWS  11
                                                 The students have been

                                            introduced to their new topic in
                                                                                              LOWER PRIMARY
                                               Science „Animals including...                       NEWS             16

                                                                                              UPPER PRIMARY
                                                                                                   NEWS             25

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