Page 3 - Regent News
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P A G E   3

         Next Friday, 24th January will be our Poetry Festival, the school will be awash

         with  displays  of  work  by  our  pupils  and  there  will  be  poetry  readings  in  the

         classrooms throughout the day.

         There will also be readings by some pupils, parents and staff in an appropriately

         atmospheric and relaxed setting for one hour from 10.a.m to 11.00 a.m.

         Numbers for this will be strictly limited and will be entry by ticket, the doors will

         be closed at 10.00 a.m promptly and visitors will then leave at the end, 11.00 a.m.

         Throughout the day Parents are welcome to visit the school; walk around, see the

         displays  and  children  at  work  as  we  celebrate Poetry  and  the  ability  to  read

         expressively using only voice as the medium to convey feelings, deliver a message

         and create atmosphere.

         Our Literacy co-ordinator Mrs Vivien Uchenwa will be providing greater details,

         so please check your emails.

         Mr Kenneth Sugden.


         The Regent School, Abuja.

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