Page 26 - HANDBOOK HSK 2018_edit
P. 26


                                                                                                                                                                                    Struktur  Program  Pengajian  mengandungi  dua  komponen
                                                                                                                                                      “SPP”                         iaitu Kursus Kursus Pendidikan Umum (Akademik) dan Kur-
                                                                       SEMESTER 4                                                                                                   sus Teras Displin (Vokasional) yang wajib diikuti.

                           Course  Credit               Course Description                          Course Outcome                                                                   Tempoh pelajar belajar selama dua tahun enam (6)  bu-
                                                                                                                                                      “Pengajian”                    lan terdiri daripada Lima (5) semester panjang dan satu
                                            This  course  enables  students  to  appraise  the    Operate kitchen for meal service with menu                                        (1) semester pendek
                                            role of the chef in hotel, cafeteria and restau-  design and plate presentation of a variety of
                                            rant industry. The course will expose students   courses.                                                  “Program”                      Bidang pengajian yang ditawarkan di Kolej Vokasional
                                            to sufficient basic kitchen management skill to
                                            enable them to understand how a professional   ( C3, PLO2)
                                            kitchen  functions  and  to  respect  what  is  in-   Demonstrate  the  principles  of  control  and     “Jawatankuasa                  Jawatankuasa  yang  bertanggungjawab  di  peringkat  Kolej
                                            volved  in  running  a  professional  kitchen.  Stu-  management    in  the  production  of  food         Akademik”                      Vokasional dalam menentusahkan pentaksiran dan penilaian
                                       3    dents  will  prepare  recipes, menu  and  produc-  items.                                                                                serta membuat keputusan dalam kes-kes khas pengajian
                                            tion schedules. Students will develop the ability   ( P3, PLO6)
                                            to  recognize  properly  prepared  foods  through                                                                                        Jawatankuasa yang dilantik untuk bertanggungjawab dalam
                                            preparing, tasting and evaluating foods.      Practice  kitchen  equipment    in  the context            “Jawatankuasa Pengu-
                                DHA 4013
                                                                                          of operation in a commercial kitchen.                         rusan Akademik”              hal  ehwal  perancangan  dan  pelaksanaan  akademik  dan
                                                                                          (A2, PLO5)                                                                                 vokasional
                            COMMERCIAL KITCHEN
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jabatan  yang  bertanggungjawab  menguruskan  hal-hal
                                                                                                                                                      “Jabatan Pentaksiran           berkaitan  pentaksiran  dan  penilaian  serta  pensijilan  di
                                            This course introduces the students to the vari-   Apply  concept  style,  service,  menus  and          dan Penilaian (JPP)”
                                            ous  types  of  foodservice  operations.  The   pricing for  different types  of  different food-                                        Kolej Vokasional
                                            course  content  includes  style  or  concept  of   service operation.
                                            commercial  food  production,  menu  planning,   (C3, PLO3)                                                                              Individu yang dilantik oleh Kolej Vokasional sebagai ketua
                                            sales promotion strategies and service method                                                             “Ketua Jabatan”                yang  bertanggungjawab  untuk  mengurus  sesuatu  jabatan
                                            involved. The material offered in this course will    Organise different style of services, design
                                            be able to give skills and understanding to the   menu,  sales  and  promotion  strategies  in                                           pengajian
                                       3    commercial food production. In addition to that,   commercial food production.
                                            students  also  given  opportunities  to  plan  and   (P4, PLO2)                                                                         Individu yang dilantik oleh Kolej Vokasional sebagai ketua
                                            organize  foodservice  operational  style  for  full-                                                     “Ketua Program”                yang  bertanggungjawab  untuk  mengurus  sesuatu  program
                                            service restaurant to self-service restaurant.        Practise  human  resource  in  the  context  of                                   pengajian
                                DHA 4023
                                                                                          manpower in a foodservice operation.
                                                                                          (A2, PLO5)                                                                                 Staf akademik / tenaga pengajar bagi kursus dalam sesuatu
                            RESTAURANT SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                      “Pensyarah Kursus”
                                                                                                                                                                                     program pengajian
                                            This  course  provides  students  a  platform  to    Apply  in  writing  the  functions  of  marketing
                                            develop knowledge and techniques which ena-   management and services in order to under-                                                 Seseorang pelajar yang berdaftar untuk mengikuti program
                                            ble them to  do marketing  with  knowledge  and   stand the consumer behaviour  according to              “Pelajar”                      latihan  di  Kolej  Vokasional  atau  Kolej  Vokasional  yang
                                            reasoning. Students will be taught on hospitali-  the hospitality services.                                                              melaksanakan program Kolej Vokasional.
                                            ty  marketing,  marketing  planning  and  strate-
                                            gies, product service mix strategy and promo-  (C3, PLO1).
                                            tion  and  finally  understanding  and  targeting    Construct the process of marketing planning         “Semester”                    Tempoh  Empat  belas  (14)  minggu  pembelajaran  dan
                                       3    hospitality  consumers.  The  students  will  be   and information relating to  product services                                        pengajaran dan Tiga (3) minggu Penilaian Akhir
                                            assess on the knowledge and skills by the lec-  through presentation.
                                            turers the level of identified competency in hos-  (P3, PL02)                                                                           Semester yang dilaksanakan selama Lapan (8) minggu pem-
                                            pitality  marketing.  Students  should  be  able  to                                                      “Semester Pendek”             belajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) dan satu (1) minggu
                                DHA 4133
                                            produce  an  acceptable  marketing  plan  upon    Perform  a  group  project  regarding  the  pro-                                     Penilaian Akhir.
                                            completion  of the  course  based  on  their  Final   cess for designing and producing the printed
                                            Year Project                                  menu in food service marketing.
                                                                                          (A2, PLO9).                                                 “Student Learning             Jumlah  jam  pembelajaran  yang  melibatkan  pembelajaran
                                                                                                                                                                                    bersemuka,  pembelajaran  tidak  bersemuka  dan  penilaian
                            BASIC HOSPITALITY MARKETING
                                                                                                                                                      Time (SLT)”
                                            Final  year  Project  II  is  the  continuation  from    Construct discipline-based project based on                                   formal yang ditetapkan bagi setiap kursus
                                            Final  year  project  I.  Students  are  required  to   the approved proposal/ideas/framework.
                                            carry out the project based on the knowledge   (C5, PLO3)
                                            and skills attained in the programme courses.                                                             “Kursus Pendidikan             Komponen kursus wajib umum, kursus wajib teras dan kur-
                                            Students should carry out/implement Final year     Execute the discipline-based project ac-              Umum”                          sus wajib elektif yang ditetapkan di peringkat diploma.
                                            project  according  to  the  approved  proposal/  cording to approved proposal/ideas/
                                       4    ideas/framework. At the end of the course, stu-  framework. (P4, PLO2)
                                            dent  is  required  to  submit  project final  report/   Organize resources (material, equipment,        “Kursus Teras Displin”         Komponen  vokasional  yang  ditetapkan  dan  wajib  diikuti
                                                                                                                                                                                     oleh semua pelajar di peringkat diploma.
                                            product produced based on the prescribed for-  manpower etc) according to the approved
                                DHA 4044
                                            mat. Student is required to present the project   project proposal/ideas/framework.
                                                                                          (A4, PLO6)
                            FINAL YEAR PROJECT II

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