Page 25 - HANDBOOK HSK 2018_edit
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Kurikulum pendidikan dan latihan teknik dan vokasional
termasuk kurikulum dan kokurikulum yang merangkumi SEMESTER 3
“Kurikulum Standard aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai untuk
menghasilkan pelajar yang mempunyai kebolehkerjaan,
Kolej Vokasional” kebolehpasaran dan kemahiran keusahawanan merujuk Course Credit Course Description Course Outcome
kepada keperluan industri terkini dan panel pakar This course introduce the basic principles of Explain the basic principles of food carving
akademik terditi daripada UA, IPTA dan IPTS food carving and demonstrate proper tech- (C2, PLO1)
niques in fruits and vegetables carving which
Hasil pembelajaran khusus ditulis berteraskan hasil then enable the student to construct food arts Follow the correct techniques for fruits and
vegetables carving,
“Silibus” pembelajaran program dan kemahiran insianiah mengikut from various ingredients using basic styling
aras taksonomi pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan PdPc techniques in food plating and presentation. (P3, PLO2)
dan kaedah penilaian.
3 Perform food arts using proper fruits and
vegetables carving, dry and processed foods
Perancangan kuliah yang berteraskan hasil pembelajaran product in different styles of plating and
DHA 3313
”Course Outline” program dan kemahiran insianiah mengikut aras taksonomi presentation.
pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan PdPc dan kaedah
penilaian. (A2, PLO7)
“Kursus” Mata pelajaran bagi sesuatu program pengajian
This course introduces the students acquire Apply the role of Garde Manger section in
knowledge and skills in three main areas of the the professional kitchen and how it links with
“Lulus” Pencapaian tahap minima gred C dengan purata nilai gred cold kitchen which include reception food, plat- the rest of the kitchen brigade. (C3, PLO1)
2.00 bagi semua Kursus Pendidikan Umum
ed appetizer and buffet arrangement. Students
will also learn how to prepare various types of Reproduce range of cold kitchen production
appropriate to classical and contemporary
“Kompeten” Pencapaian tahap minima gred B- dengan nilai mata gred GARDE MANGER DHA 3323 3 salads, sandwiches, canapé, forcemeat, pâtés, styles.(P3, PLO2)
2.67 bagi semua Kursus Teras Disiplin galantine, terrine and roulade.
Perform skills and techniques associated
Kes luar jangka (Rujuk Panduan Pengurusan Pentaksiran with the production of cold kitchen food
“Kes Khas”
dan Penilaian Lembaga Peperiksaan) preparation (A2, PLO6)
Pelajar tidak dibenarkan meneruskan pengajian disebab- This course introduces the students to the type Manage types of menu, structure of menu
“Pemberhentian kan salah laku disiplin atau gagal memenuhi syarat of menu, menu structure, classical and modern including classical and modern menu in food
Pengajian” menu in foodservice industry. The course con-
pengajian service industry (C3, PLO3)
tent includes factors affecting menu planning,
standardize recipe, recipe costing and yield Construct standard recipe and recipe cost-
ing (P3, PLO2)
“Penangguhan Penangguhan ialah tempoh pengajian yang diberi kepada DEVELOPMENT MENU PLANNING AND DHA 3133 3 test. Besides, it also introduces the students to
Pengajian” pelajar berdasarkan keputusan Jawatankuasa Akademik KV the menu writing, designing and merchandising Discuss the basic principles of menu crea-
dengan kelulusan dibawah Senat Kolej Vokasional KPM menu. Students should be able to develop a tion including menu writing, selecting design
good and justifiable various menu design. and merchandising men (A2, PLO7)
“ Penggantungan Hukuman oleh Lembaga Disiplin Kolej Vokasional yang
mengakibatkan pelajar tidak dibenarkan meneruskan
Pengajian” pengajian dalam tempoh tertentu. This course introduces students to the concept Define key concept in cost control and quali-
of cost control in foodservice industry. The
ty assurance.
course content includes food production sys-
tem which range from purchasing, receiving, (C1, PLO1)
Penilaian bertulis dan amali yang diadakan di akhir sesua- storing and issuing. Food production assur- Calculate cost of food sale.
“Penilaian Akhir (PA)” tu semester. Penilaian dilaksanakan di Kolej Vokasional COST CONTROL FOOD AND BEVERAGE DHA 3143 3 ance being exposed to students so that control (P3, PLO3)
berpandukan instrumen, garis panduan dan panduan
can be achieved through quality implementa-
penskoran / peraturan pemarkahan yang ditetapkan. tion in food service industry. Explain food flow process concept.
(A3, PLO2)
“Pentaksiran Berteru- Penilaian bertulis dan amali yang diadakan sepanjang
san (PB)” semester dan dikendalikan oleh Kolej Vokasional Final year project I is a practical-based project. Analysis suitable proposal/ideas/framework
Students are required to carry out the project for discipline-based project.
“Arahan Penilaian Panduan penyediaan bahan dan peralatan ujian amali based on the knowledge and skills attained in (C4, PLO1)
the programme courses. Students are required
Akhir (APA)” Penilaian Akhir pada setiap semester to identify suitable project by analysing availa- Organize proper project selection planning
ble options, techniques, equipment’s, materi- and proposal preparation under the terms of
Kursus wajib dalam program Diploma yang memerlukan FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2 als, manpower and other resources. Students the final project.
“Projek Tahun Akhir pelajar menghasilkan satu penulisan ilmiah dan mem- DHA 3052 should prepare proposal/ideas/framework with (P3, PLO2)
the required literature, methodology, and tech-
bangunkan produk, perisian atau perkhidmatan berdasar-
(PTA)” kan program pengajian mengikut kaedah-kaedah yang niques. At the end of the course, student is Perform presentation of the final project pro-
sesuai. required to submit project proposal/ideas/ posal.
framework report produced based on the pre- (A2, PLO8)
scribed format. Student is required to present
the project proposal/ideas/framework.
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